Final Presentation Information
Examples of “Pet Peeves” What are “Pet Peeves”? Discuss through the examples…
So, Pet Peeves? Synonym: Definition: Spectrum: Irritate / Annoy / Exasperate / Peccadillo Definition: “Something that a particular person finds especially annoying” Spectrum: Typically used for social situations
Final Presentation Assignment Pet Peeves Video 1 Video 2 Discussion 1 Discussion 2 Final Presentation Assignment
What Techniques Did Casey Use In The Video? Back
Obvious Pet Peeves and Issues Back
12 14
Our Remaining Time Today Find a presentation team (3-4) Begin to brainstorm (as a team) Pet peeves / Issues / Social Problems / etc. Narrow your ideas to 3 by next class session…
Homework Watch the Following TED Talk: “This app makes it fun to pick up litter” Or Google search the title