Lathrop Intermediate School Behavior Expectations
Video: Lathrop School-wide Behavior Expectations Respect Responsibility Safety
What Does It Look Like? Work in pairs or small groups to discuss what it looks like to be RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, and SAFE in the following areas of school: Your classrooms/library The hallways/offices The lunch area/bathrooms The locker room and field Be prepared to share your ideas with the class. Respect Responsibility Safety
What Doesn’t It Look Like? Now that we have a pretty good idea what being respectful, responsible, and safe look like at Lathrop, what are some examples of what it doesn’t look like? Respect Responsibility Safety
Let’s Make a Commitment Think about how you want our school to be. How can we each make it better? Make a commitment to do ONE thing differently to meet our school-wide expectations. Write down your commitment and share it with your partner or small group. Respect Responsibility Safety
We Can Do It, Spartans! Respect Responsibility Safety