Key Driver Diagram (KDD): _________________________ Project Leader(s): ________________________ Revision Date: _________ Version:___ Global Aim Key Drivers Interventions (LOR #) SMART Aim Abandoned: Intervention (LOR #) Adopted: Intervention (LOR #) Population
KDD Instructional Guide Revision Date: The date and version # should be updated whenever there is a substantive change to the theory. Minor corrections or changes do not require an update. Retain archived versions of the KDD for historical reference. Type over “Insert Project Name” with name of your project Interventions: What potential actions do you want to test to achieve those Key Drivers (often referred to as the “hows”)? Record Level of Reliability (LOR#) after each intervention (LOR #1, 2 or 3). The following guidelines can be used when considering the removal of an abandoned intervention: Keep the abandoned intervention as long as you believe it’s inclusion continues to inform the team and stakeholders of the current status of the project. Ensure that your target audience is aware of the abandoned intervention before removing them from the KDD. Ensure that abandoned interventions are retained in archived versions of the KDD. Global Aim: The compelling reason for your project and potentially other projects (e.g. “Provide a safe and efficient ED visit to all patients.” SMART Aim: What are you trying to accomplish? See SMART Aim Worksheet for details. (e.g. Decrease the average Emergency Dept. visit time from 60 minutes to 45 minutes for outpatient cases at Liberty by 12/31/16). Population: Describe the population and any exclusions (e.g. “Population includes all patients discharged from ED, excluding Inpatient admissions). Clearly define the population; be as specific as possible. Shading/Legend: White: Key Drivers or Interventions not yet tested. Green: Active key drivers or interventions (currently being tested). Gray: Abandoned or Adopted interventions - preface the intervention with the result of either “Abandoned” or “Adopted” Notes: 1-Colors may appear differently depending on display equipment and user may need to adjust. 2-Boxes displayed in the legend can be used to “Format Paint” the Key Driver & Intervention boxes. Key Drivers: What are the key elements to achieving that SMART Aim (often referred to as the “whats”).