03a | Manage Test Cases (1 of 2) Steven Borg | Co-founder & Strategist, Northwest Cadence Anthony Borton | ALM Consultant, Enhance ALM
Module Overview Create Test Cases Create Test Steps Define Parameters Manage Shared Steps Manage Requirements
Create Test Cases
What the Study Guide says… Create Test Cases designing Test Cases that have clear and measurable steps assigning Test Case properties (title, areas and iterations, state, priority, assign to, and automation status) adding attachments and links adding the Test Case description and history adding Tested requirements managing Test Case workflow (state)
designing Test Cases that have clear and measurable steps assigning Test Case properties (title, areas and iterations, state, priority, assign to, and automation status) adding attachments and links adding the Test Case description and history adding Tested requirements managing Test Case workflow (state) Create Test Cases
Create Test Steps
What the Study Guide says… Create Test Steps adding and removing parameters to and from actions or expected results adding and removing data creating repeatable Test actions for using Fast Forward for Manual Testing creating expected results adding Test Step attachments
adding and removing parameters to and from actions or expected results adding and removing data creating repeatable Test actions for using Fast Forward for Manual Testing creating expected results adding Test Step attachments Create Test Steps
EXAM BEST BETS Create several test cases, each with several test steps Be sure to attach a document or screenshot to a test step Practice using Fast Forward for Manual Testing with several different test cases