History of South America
Pre-Columbian Society Domesticated animals and crops that are still staples today Potatoes, chilies, beans, llamas, and guinea pigs The continent was settled by complex and far reaching civilizations Between 20-30 million people lived in South America before European contact
The Incan Empire The Inca dominated the Andes before the Spanish arrived Highly developed society with advanced stonework cities, terrace farming, and metalworking Connected by a 25,000 kilometer road network Francisco Pizarro and 180 soldiers are able to ambush Incan King Atahualpa and execute him after receiving a ransom of a room full of gold
European Colonization The Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) establishes an agreement between Spain and Portugal Created a North/South line that divides S. America between the two countries Longitude cannot accurately be measured so the line is poorly enforced and Brazil’s border crosses over The Dutch, French, and British also establish small colonies hoping to cash in on stories of massive gold deposits and natural resources
Patterns Across Colonial Latin America European colonists exploit local resources and native people Native populations are decimated by European diseases, cruel systems of forced labor Enslaved Africans are relied upon as reliable labor European colonizers try to purge native religions and traditions and push conversion to Roman Catholicism Native and European cultures blend together to create unique societies today
Road to Independence In the early 1800s, most Spanish colonies gain independence thanks to local leaders and wars happening back in Europe Simón Bolívar (Greater Colombia, Peru, Bolivia), José de San Martín (United Provinces of the River Plate, Chile, and Peru), and Bernardo O'Higgins (Chile).
Road to Independence Brazil gains independence through uniquely peaceful events The Portuguese monarch who had fled to Rio de Janeiro declared Brazil an independent nation in 1822 Further conflicts will continue to shape national borders and power statuses
Relationship with the United States In 1823, the US establishes the Monroe Doctrine, declaring any further European interference in the Americas will be seen as a threat to the US Meant to discourage European influence in the New World to allow for further establishment of US influence
Relationship with the United States US influence grew in the 20th century due to political and economic interest in the region Helped modernize industries but also increased economic dependence on the US
The Cold War and Beyond South America became a political battleground in the 60s and 70s Democratically elected governments are overthrown or displaced by military dictatorships New governments imprisoned, tortured, and killed thousands to maintain control of population
The Cold War and Beyond The threat of expanding communism and human rights violations increased US intervention in the region Today, much of the continent is dealing with the effects of colonial rule, continuous political destabilization, and booming urban populations.