Flexibility Warm Up/Cool Down Objectives: Students will recognize important principles of flexibility, i.e. warm up, cool down, range of motion, FITT: frequency, intensity, time, type
Flexibility: Is the ability to move your joints and the attached muscles through a complete range of motion. It is one of the 5 fitness components of physical fitness. Developing and maintaining flexibility will reduce sport injuries. It is the muscles resiliency and stretch ability while in motion.
Flexibility is best developed by: Slow passive stretching Hold each stretched position 10-15 seconds. Do not bounce when stretching a muscle or joint. Static Stretching Ballistic Stretching Is Not Safe.
Exercises that improve flexibility and are used prior to and after an activity are referred to as a: Warm up/Cool down: Exercises that stretch the muscles and joints of the body are best used before and after a physical workout. Prepares the body for activity. Slows the body processes down after a workout.
Warm up exercises: COOL DOWN EXERCISES: Prepares the body for activity. Enhances performance. Reduces the chance of injury. Improves flexibility. COOL DOWN EXERCISES: Returns the heart rate to near resting levels. Prevents the pooling of blood in the lower extremities. Reduces post activity soreness.
Warm up Exercises: Cool Down Exercises: Never stop cold after vigorous exercise. Keep moving at a slower pace until heart rate slows. Repeat the warm up stretches. Slow cardiovascular exercises: Walking, jumping jacks, running in place, jogging Stretch all major joints and large muscle groups.
T: T: I: F.I.T.T. Safety: F: Flexibility: Warm up/Cool Down Exercises F: Frequency: daily, before and after activity. Intensity: stretch beyond the muscles normal length-- to discomfort. Time: hold each stretch 10- 15 seconds or longer. Type: static stretches, slow and gradual. Exercises should not be painful There should be some discomfort in the stretch. 10-15 minutes of stretching activities, daily or before and after activity. I: T: T:
Good Health Review & Questions: What is flexibility? What kind of stretching is best and which is the worst? Explain. What is a warm up and cool down? What does a good warm up do for an individual? Name 3 things. Why is a good cool down important? Name 3 things. What are the F.I.T.T. safety principles of flexibility? Explain each.