Misfolding mutations impair the BRCA1 nuclear aggregation in yeast and the BRCA1 nuclear localization in human cells. Misfolding mutations impair the BRCA1 nuclear aggregation in yeast and the BRCA1 nuclear localization in human cells. (A) Schematic representation of the BRCA1 protein with positions of misfolding (orange) and non-misfolding (purple) missense mutations. (B,C) Misfolding mutations reduce the proportion of yeast cells showing one spot in fluorescence microscopy (B) and increase the cytoplasmic localization of the spots (C). See Fig. 2B,C and Table S1 for details, including sample sizes. (D) Misfolding mutations decrease the proportion of RG37 human cells with BRCA1 nuclear localization. Following transient transfection and cell fixation, the ectopic expression of the WT or mutated mCherry–BRCA1 protein was visualized by fluorescence microscopy. Red cells were examined for the nuclear or nucleo-cytoplasmic localization versus cytoplasmic localization of BRCA1. Bars and whiskers correspond, respectively, to the median and extreme values of four independent transfections. The star indicates a significant difference in median proportions compared to WT cells; NS, not significant (Fisher exact test, see Table S1 for details). (E) Correlations between delocalization in human cells (white bars in D) and spot formation (dark bars in B), or between delocalization in human cells (white bars in D) and delocalization in yeast cells (bars in C). The Spearman coefficient of correlation is indicated. (F) Correlation between structural stability values and results described in E. The structural stability values were previously published (Lee et al., 2010) and correspond to the resistance of the BRCT domain to trypsin-mediated proteolysis in vitro (relatively to the WT BRCT set to value 100). (G) The BRCA1 protein level is increased when aggregation occurs in the cytoplasm of yeast cells. See Fig. 2D for details. (H) Correlation between relative protein levels (G) and delocalization in yeast cells (bars in C) or structural stability. The Spearman coefficient of correlation is indicated. Pierre Thouvenot et al. J Cell Sci 2016;129:4366-4378 © 2016. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd