UWWTD SIIF 2nd Workshop 24 October 2013 Structured Implementation and Information Frameworks Point 7 - Next steps European Commission Directorate General for the Environment unit C.2 - Marine Environment & Water Industry
25th of October 2013 : publication of all documents and presentation on Circa 15th november 2013 : deadline of the written comments November and December 2013 : internal EU discussion about SIIF concept with other DGs December 2013 : End of the first contract, production of the final concept paper, background documents and road map for the pilot exercise 2014 : pilot exercise with four (six ?) MS (CY, IE, LT and SI) with 8th UWWTD reporting exercise and development of national websites. New contract Next steps
7, 8 or 9 April 2014 : proposal to organise a SIIF meeting (half a day) with an implementation plan meeting the other part of the day (experts group meetings proposal) June 2014: Deadline of 8th reporting with the current data model for all MS. Option to test the new data model with the 8th UWWTD reporting exercise June 2014 : Establishment of new implementation plans 2014 : Establishment of the EU node with the IT system at the EEA End 2014/beginning 2015: Analyse of the result of the pilot exercise and adaptation of the UWWTD SIIF concept paper with its background documents. Proposal of a general SIIF concept. Next steps
Next steps 2015 - 2020 : dissemination of the UWWTD at EU level and 2015 - 2020 : progressive implementation of the UWWTD SIIF concept by other MS 2015 - 2020 : progressive dissemination of the SIIF concept by other EU policy 2015 - 2020 : progressive interconnection of databases for other uses at EU and national level. Better use and visualisation of raw and agregated UWWTD data 2015 - 2020 : implementation of national implementation plans and PIA (partnership implementation agreements) in link with the SIIF concept Next steps
Thank you for your attention.