Welcome to Medical Resourcing Claims Training 2008 Sandra Buckberrough BI Technical Trainer Slide 1 of 11
Having Trouble Interpreting that Medical Report? Slide 4 of 11
We all need resources How do we determine the value of our claims? It starts with our ability to understand and interpret medical terminology. We can make your job a little easier by providing you with resources that will: enhance your medical knowledge identify gaps for future training needs Slide 2 of 11
This is our strategy You will be participating in an interactive, online Medical Terminology Workshop You will also be provided with a link to a Resource Library that you can use for future reference Slide 3 of 11
You will be able to…. …demonstrate your current knowledge in a Pre-Assessment …successfully participate in the Workshop ...showcase your Knowledge in the Post Assessment …provide your honest Feedback in the evaluation. Slide 7 of 11
We are here to support you regardless of your skill level! Taking that next step… We want you to feel confident, well-prepared and well-equipped while making those important decisions you are faced with in the handling of your claims. We are here to support you regardless of your skill level! Slide 6 of 11
We’re going to explore medical terminology and its origin. Our journey We’re going to explore medical terminology and its origin. We will examine root words, prefixes, suffixes, abbreviations and medical specialists. Slide 8 of 11
We will guide you We will provide you with explanations, examples, practical applications and an opportunity to showcase any new skills you develop. Slide 9 of 11
How will you navigate through the course slides? With a multi-functional control panel E-Mail the instructor at any time during the course Brings you back to the class WEB page Moves you to the next slide in the course 9 Main Moves you to a previous slide in the course Brings you back to the start of the course Slide 10 of 11
How to work through the activities Step 1: Click your answer choice Step 2: You will get immediate feedback Click for additional facts Slide 11 of 11
Course # 1- Medical Terminology Let’s start the course! Click the button below. This will take you back to the Home Web Page. Proceed to Section #1, click “Root Words” link to begin. Slide 11 of 11