Available Positions President Vice President Vice President of Membership Vice President of Community Service Vice President of Competitive Events Chapter of the Year /State Project Reporter Secretary Treasurer/Conference Coordinator Historian/Reporter *reapplying officers will be prioritized
President BAA-Business Achievement Award sign up and submission Conducting informational meetings Registering members for usernames/passwords Submitting and proofreading members’ BAA submissions Safekeeping of advisers password and members personal information Have knowledge of all officer duties for each position Conduct Officer/member meetings Have knowledge of all Community service projects Participate in majority of activities Strengthen community partnerships/reach out to businesses, school and community officials Serve as the liaison between all officers and Mrs. Jackson Serve as student liaison between FBLA and PHS faculty and staff Responsible for sending Remind messages along with Mrs. Jackson Maintain and help advisor with Honor Cord System Responsible for Outstanding Chapter Awards forms. (i.e CSA)
Vice President Assist advisor and President in facilitating officer meetings Set up and maintain morning and afternoon duty schedule Assist in planning meeting activities Conduct duties in the Presidents absence Chapter of the Year Work with COY/State Project Report to divide duties and help everyone understand their responsibilities and how to fulfill them Compile and double check COY Responsible for all Social Media posts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter weekly and during all projects and conferences. Meeting PowerPoints (after Secretary sends agenda) Must create and update officer attendance and points.
Vice President of Membership Responsible for Membership Achievement Awards applications and submissions Responsible for collecting membership forms and keeping an updated Access database throughout the school year. Responsible for Membership Mania and Membership Madness submissions for Chapter of the Year Make sure that all members are signed in at meetings Attendance records T-shirt orders (Treasurer will help with this also) Updating the National Database on Must have efficient knowledge of Excel and Access
State Reporter Submit Chapter of the Year Templates in concurrence with each project/ event-monthly Distribute COY duties through the officer team Communicate with other officers to complete tasks and achieve Gold Chapter standing Attend member and officer meetings Meet regularly during GS (if available) with adviser for consistent updates Responsible for activities for the State Projects Recruit members from the local club to form committees to assist with the various projects Create and maintain templates for the projects Keep accurate records and know ALL due dates for COY submissions
VP of Community Service It is the duty of the Vice President of Community Service to research different community service projects for the chapter The VP of Com. Service must be able to make connections with different organizations and must know Word, Excel or Access. (Google Docs Forms, Sheets and Slides) Maintain all records of all sign in sheets and points for every project Be able to make project verification sheets Must be self-motivated Work closely with COY/State Reporter with service related COY reports Have excellent communication and writing skills Participate in most, if not ALL, hands on projects Must have transportation to all hands on projects Must be able to communicate with members via e-mail about upcoming FBLA events. Must be able to maintain points Google sheets
VP of Competitive Events Oversee the competitive event sign up process Coordinating practice sessions with members Motivating competitors to succeed in events Communicating with other chapters on best practices for preparing students for competition Collaborating with the Treasurer on the conference spreadsheets, etc. Working closely with Mrs. Jackson on competitive events …… Organizing the event folders with all necessary materials for each event Sharing the website resources on competitive events to all members who are interested in competing.
Secretary The Secretary is responsible for creating the agenda for every regular member meeting one week before the actual meeting. (with the assistance of the officers and adviser) Compiling all PowerPoint slides for monthly meeting The Secretary is also responsible for taking minutes during every meeting (member & officer) and gather meeting topics from the other officers. (submitted one week after meeting without being reminded) Responsible for creating bi-monthly newsletters The Secretary must be organized and efficient, have excellent writing skills and be extremely proactive. You will be working along side the President and Vice- President weekly and be required to assist in most activities as well as stay after school once a week. Powerpoint? General meeting
Treasurer Must create conference spreadsheets in Excel for Adviser for SLOTS, Fall Rally, Region, State. Keeping records of all MyPaymentsPlus payments from members including membership. It is the responsibility of the Treasurer to keep an updated and accurate monthly chapter account and budget. Working closely with the Adviser on all money issues Must be proactive and willing to stay after school once a week The Treasurer will also be responsible for conducting and planning fundraisers. Creating spreadsheets for all fundraisers (March of Dimes, etc) Extensive (ex. Formulas) knowledge of Excel is required. Help with distribution of t-shirts
Historian/Reporter Taking pictures at all events (must attend all conferences etc) Creating a chapter scrapbook page for every event Create one scrapbook page to submit to Ga GBLA Submit two pictures to National FBLA every month without being reminded Update the FBLA bulletin board when needed Chapter of the Year reports The organization of the chapter notebook and folders Creating all articles for publications (i.e Pantera, Panther Pause and GaFBLA website, etc) Conference news and awards Community service project highlights Create Powerpoint slides with pictures for every meeting Creating and updating a tri-fold board with current pictures and events
Officer Team Expectations Bring back signed parent permission slip accepting position MANDATORY Attend Slots location TBD ($30) Officer Induction (September 2018) Fall Leadership Conference (November 2018, $50) Participate in ALL chapter activities including all Fundraisers Serve as a role model to other FBLA members Attend all officer and regular meetings (parent note required if you are absent from a meeting) Participate in at least one competition (Region or State) Help other officers in their duties (Chapter of the Year) Must recruit 5 new members and 1 professional member
Officer Team Expectations (continued) Be able to spend time after school at least one day per week not including meeting days. Weekly communication via email, GroupMe, and Remind 101 with Officer team and adviser Help with set-up and clean-up of every meeting Dress Business casual at every regular meeting including FBLA gear (w/o being reminded) Complete a level of BAA Meet with the officer who currently holds your position before the end of the school year All officers MUST keep a calendar of all events. Chapter planning guide and notebook will be provided by Mrs. Jackson