The Effects of Framing on Perceptions of Others


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Presentation transcript:

The Effects of Framing on Perceptions of Others Senior Capstone Research Emily Brown and Ashley Kohinke

Statement of Problem & Purpose To determine if framing had an effect on participants racial attitudes.

Littleford & Jones (2017) Framing Study examined whether the professors race/ethnicity and inequity framing that were used, influenced students evaluations of professors and the effectiveness of the professors messages. When white privilege is brought up to white americans they feel an increased amount of guilt about the privilege they are said to have Findings: Professors race/ethnicity had direct effect on students evaluations of professors Framing was used for the set up of the current study

Nosek, Banaji, & Greenwald (2002) IAT Founders of “Project Implicit” website - Developed the IAT Found that: White people favored white people over black people both implicitly and explicitly Black people strongly favored black people over white people, both implicitly and explicitly Race IAT used as a main measure in the present study

Pintertis, Poteat, & Spanierman (2009) WPAS This study researched the three dimensional nature of white privilege attitudes and perceptions and the desire to make one assessment that entailed all information necessary. Findings: This was a new study and validity was found for the WPAS. Consists of four subscales WPAS was used as a main measure for the present study

Hypotheses A higher score on the Race IAT would predict a more undesirable response towards hearing about white privilege A higher score on the WPAS would predict a more undesirable response toward hearing about white privilege A lower score on the Race IAT would predict a more desirable openness to learning about discrimination A lower score on the WPAS would predict a more desirable openness to learning about discrimination Higher score here for the IAT - means more racial preferences , Higher score on the WPAS - means more racial preferences Lower score here for the WPAS - means less racial preferences, Lower score on the IAT - means less racial preferences For example, more racial preferences means more desirable towards ones’ own color and less racial preferences means no preferences between any colors

Method Participants recruited via email from the University of Lynchburg 42 Participants in total (73.8% Female, 26.2% Male) Majority of population: Age: 20.02 Years Race: White (66.7%) Year: First Years (31%) Major: Psychology (16.7%)

Method - Materials Consent Form Demographic Form Implicit Attitudes Test for Race White Privilege Attitudes Scale Framing Statements Framing Statements for Discrimination Framing Statements for White Privilege Control Statements

Method - Procedure Consent Form Demographic Race IAT (Pretest) WPAS (Pretest) Framing Statements (Group 1, 2, or 3) Race IAT (Posttest) WPAS (Posttest)

Method - Design One-way ANOVA IV - three levels, categorical DV - measured pre- and post- IV manipulation, continuous Between subjects

Results There was no significant difference between the three conditions for using Implicit Attitudes Test for Race, F(2, 39) = 2.038, p = .144. There was no significant difference between the three conditions for using the White Privilege Attitudes Scale, F(2, 39) = 1.583, p = .218. Framing does not have an effect of the perceptions of others

Descriptive Statistics - Control Statement

Descriptive Statistics - Framed White Privilege Statements

Framed Statements - Framed Discrimination Statements

Discussion Framing does not have an effect of the perceptions of others. Results maybe not significant because... IAT - Maturation effects Framing statements could have been different Iat not significant Framing statements could be better

Limitations Sample Size Too few participants overall Too few males Very little racial/ethnic diversity Length of Study Race IAT took participants a long time take

Future Research Recruit more participants Different framing statements Possibly more statements More impactful statements Have participants take a longer break in between taking IAT and WPAS The length between the IAT and WPAS time one versus time two may be more beneficial if there is a day/week in between for the participants after reading the statements to take the time to mule over the data they were faced with.

References Littleford, L.N., & Jones, J.A. (2017). Framing and source effects on white college students’ reactions to racial inequity information. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology 23(1), 143–153. doi:10.1037/cdp0000102. Nosek, B.A., Banaji, M.R., & Greenwald, A.G. (2002) Harvesting implicit group attitudes and beliefs from a demonstration website. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice 6(1). 101-115. doi: 10.1037//1089-2699.6.1.101 Pinterits, E.J., Poteat, V. P., & Spanierman, L.B. (2009). The white privilege attitudes scale: Development and initial validation. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 56(3), 417-429. doi: 10.1037/a0016274

Acknowledgements Dr. Virginia Cylke University of Lynchburg Students, Staff, and Faculty Fellow classmates


The Effects of Framing on Perceptions of Others Senior Capstone Research Emily Brown and Ashley Kohinke