OPA Communications & Technology Committee October 28, 2012 Ohio Psychological Association Convention
Ken Drude CTC Co-chair Audrey Ellenwood CTC Co-chair
Mary Mills Paule Steichen Asch Marc Dielman
2:00-2:30 Social Media 2:30-3:00 Implications for Psychologists 3:00-3:15 Change Happens 3:15-3:45 High Tech Considerations 3:45-4:00 Break 4:00-4:30 Revised Telepsychology Guidelines Assessment Distance Supervision 4:30-4:45 What do you think? 4:45-5:00 Wrap up and Questions
1. Participants will reflect upon how social media may impact their own personal life. 2. Participants will become aware of how social media blurs the therapeutic relationship. 3. Participants will become familiar with the risks faced when using social media. 4. Participants will learn ways to apply risk management approaches when using social media. 5. Participants will become familiar with the revised telepsychology guidelines relating to assessment and supervision.
Facebook LinkedIn MySpace Friendster Landline telephones Cell phones Video conferencing Instant messaging Use of internet services via Internet meetings Facsimile Chat rooms Web pages Twitter
The father of a child you are treating is in the middle of a legal separation process and he wants you to "confirm" everything in s the day after each session with the child. He is being very pushy and feels like he's actually bullying you about this. As psychologists we focus a lot on clients' rights, but what are your rights (and obligations) in this situation?
Where does professionalism begin and where does professionalism end? Blurred Boundaries What do we discuss with clients? What do we avoid? Become an issue of self-disclosure
Social Intelligence a company based in California hired employees that will monitor Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and other social media sites on behalf of major corporate clients to help keep their employees from misbehaving on the Internet or becoming liabilities.
Facebook Texting
What do we discuss? What do we avoid?
Clients perception of the therapist Therapists perception of the client How does this affect therapeutic outcome?
Never access without clients permission Recognize that social media information affects clients and therapists perception Ask yourself – what is in the best interests of the client? Talk about the issue of social media in the first session
When appropriate, utilize social media information as part of the therapy Reexamine your Facebook page in terms of what you want to disclose Google Yourself!
1. Look at how you personally use telepsychology in your practice - s, text messages, professional sites 2. Speak to clients about how you integrate technology in your practice. 3. What is the best way for clients to contact you? 4. When is it appropriate for clients to text or you? 5. How long will it take you to respond to a text or (Clients want immediate gratification) 6. Are clients your friend? What if an is sent to everyone in your address book? 7. Do you conduct web searches on your clients? 8. Do you frequently up-date your web sites?
Vendor Ad viewers (millions) (2008) Google 2,197 Google Yahoo! 362 Yahoo! MSN (Microsoft) 309MSN AOL 156AOL Adbrite 73Adbrite Total 3,087
Ease of access to services Way to reduce dual relationships Maintain therapeutic relationships when one party has to move
Mary Mills - LinkedIn Columbus, Ohio Area - Psychology Intern at Ohio Reformatory for Women View Mary Mills's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network,... Single Mothers Independently Living Everyday, Inc CachedCached The SMILE Team Single Mothers Independently Living Everyday, Inc... Mary Mills stepped out on a wing and a prayer, moving from Kansas to Columbus, OH to co- found SMILE... smileforchildren.com/The-SMILE-Team.html - CachedCached Ohio Psychological Association 2010 Convention Brochure Mary Mills stepped out on a wing and a prayer, moving from Kansas to Columbus, to co-found Single Mothers Independently Living Everyday, Inc (SMILE) and... issuu.com/opaworkshops2010/docs/2010convention - CachedCached
Learn about legal and ethical requirements for client privacy and security HIPPA – Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act HITECH – Health Information Technology for Economics and Clinical Act (In effect now!) APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct APA Record Keeping Guidelines OPA Telepsychology Guidelines Psychology Board Telepsychology Rules
Standards to protect privacy and security of protected health information (PHI) and establish penalties for violations Privacy rule – applies to any communications, including oral, of PHI Security rule – relates to PHI in electronic form – administrative, physical and technical safeguards
Updates HIPAA Expands HIPAA to include business associates Increases breach penalties significantly Four categories of violations that reflect increasing levels of culpability; Four corresponding tiers of penalty amounts that significantly increase the minimum penalty amount for each violation; and A maximum penalty amount of $1.5 million for all violations of an identical provision. Empowers State Attorneys General to initiate civil legal action for breaches Encrypted data are exempt from breach reporting requirements
Establish good electronic security practices in your professional and personal lives Use strong passwords Maintain updated virus and malware protection Use firewall protection of computers Use authentication of computer users Data encryption
Work with information technology consultants knowledgeable about health care requirements Be especially careful when using portable electronic devices Frequently backup all electronic media Regularly maintain and review your security and privacy plan to assure it is effective
Psychologists need to be cognizant of standards of patient privacy and confidentiality that must be maintained in all environments, including online, and must refrain from posting identifiable patient information online. When using the Internet for social networking, psychologists need to use privacy settings to safeguard personal information and content to the extent possible, but should realize that privacy settings are not absolute and that once on the Internet, content is likely there permanently. Psychologists need to routinely monitor their own Internet presence to ensure that the personal and professional information on their own sites and, to the extent possible, content posted about them by others, is accurate and appropriate.
To maintain appropriate professional boundaries psychologist should consider separating personal and professional content online. When psychologists see content posted by colleagues that appears unprofessional they have a responsibility to bring that content to the attention of the individual, so that he or she can remove it and/or take other appropriate actions. If the behavior significantly violates professional norms and the individual does not take appropriate action to resolve the situation, the psychologist needs to report the matter to appropriate authorities (State Licensing Board). Psychologists must recognize that actions online and content posted may negatively affect their reputations among patients and colleagues, may have consequences for their medical careers and can undermine public trust in the psychological profession. If you interact with clients on the Internet, you must maintain appropriate boundaries in relation to the client-physician relationship in accordance with professional ethical guidelines just, as they would in any other context (OPA Telepsychology Guidelines).
Guidelines Revised April © Copyright by OPA, CTC
Rapid ease of adminstration Collection of data Communication of findings to client More cost efficient process More disclosure Reaching individuals with disabilities Reaching rural areas
1. Test Psychometric Properties 2. Test Administration and Interpretation 3. Examinee Identity 4. Technical Problems and Environment
Providing clinical supervision through technology based, non-face-to-face means including the following: Landline and cell phones , chat (real time online) Text messages to cell phone & Instant messages Video teleconferencing Web pages
Interaction between supervisee and supervisor: Discuss cases in-depth Supervisor becomes knowledgeable of critical information about a client Instructs or models how to deal with issues Assists in developing interventions Monitors students and clients progress
Practice Facility Clinical Supervisor Secure two way interactive technology Internet based Chat rooms for interaction WEB based TV staffing sessions Electronic bulletin Boards for scheduling Encrypted services Web based case review/electronic medical records Chat room for discussion of case studies Supervision via ITV (Group or Individual) Individual face- to-face supervision with onsite supervision Supervisee At A Distance Flow Chart Of Supervision At A Distance Adapted from Miller et. al ©
Consultation Consultee responsible for treatment and client Collegial relationship Consultant may have limited information Supervisor responsible for treatment and client Superior-subordinate relationship Supervisor needs to have access to all available client information
Competence is a standardized requirement for an individual to properly perform a specific job. It encompasses a combination of knowledge, skills, and behavior utilized to improve performance. More generally, competence is the state or quality of being adequately or well qualified, having the ability and a core set of values to perform a specific role. job knowledgeskillsbehaviorability role
Habitual and Judicious Involves: Use of communication, Knowledge, Technical skills, Clinical reasoning, Emotions and, Values Reflection in daily practice for the benefit of the individual and community being served. Epstein & Hundert (2002)
Telepsychology supervision may limit a supervisees level of personal contact with supervisor Supervisees may not get time they need to grow in supervision Problems with technology access can interfere with supervision Confidentiality is an issue Requires the supervisee to be more self- directed
Evaluate the following Click here buttons found on these fictional psychologists web sites and answer these questions: 1. Is it Ethical? Why or why not? 2. If you were a client, would these services offered appeal to you? Why or why not? 3. Are the website items Hot…ethically sound and commercially appealing, or Not?
Suzy Spring, PhD In Clinical Psychology Take the MMPI-2 Chat Now This class will make you feel better
Sally Evening & Weekend Hours Me Summer Free Initial Phone Consultation Follow me on Facebook! PsyD Feeling Anxious? Take the BAI We may be able to help!
Audrey AutumnFeeling Depressed?Were here to help you!
Wanda Winter, PhD For teens: Want to know more? 15 Years in Practice 10 Things Every teen should know Text me me
BillingCompensation Payment Arrangements Agreement should be reached prior to providing telepsychology services
The following People contributed to the development of the OPA Telepscyhology Guidelines and portions of this presentation: Kenneth Drude, Current CTC Chair Ky Heinlen Audrey Ellenwood Terry Imar Michael Lichstein Paula Steichen Marc Dielman Mary Mills OPA Staff Michael Ranney Bobbie Celeste Denise Brenner Katie Crabtree
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