Debt and Liquidity Analysis 31 December 2016 year
Debt and Liquidity Analysis(1) Debt Composition(2) Debt Maturity profile (2) By maturity By currency By percentage rate RUB bn RUB 17.6 bn RUB 46.9% USD 44.7% EUR 5.4% Other 3.0% Long-term 50.4% Short-term 49.6% Fixed 54.3% Floating 45.7% Total Debt statistics⁽3⁾ RUB bn 1.3x -80.7% 0.2x Total Debt-to-EBITDA ratio Adjusted debt Adjusted net debt(4) Includes financial lease Excluding share in debt of joint ventures Includes share in debt of joint ventures in the amount of RUB 0.2 bn as of 31.12.2016 ( RUB 13.9 bn as of 31.12.2015) Includes cash deposits (3-12 months)