Homework and Flip Videos Welcome to Curriculum Night Homework and Flip Videos Device to access class website Homework packet and cover page Pencil Homework folder https://fl02000908.schoolwires.net/default.aspx?PageID=1
Please review this carefully when completing assignments. Homework Cover Page Nightly reading, grammar, math, and reading comprehension will the same for all teachers. Spelling and the chart (at the bottom) will be specific for each teacher. Please review this carefully when completing assignments. After a few spelling tests, your child may start using the Level 2 word list; your teacher will let you know.
Homework is part of your child’s Study Skills grade. Daily Reading At least 20-30 minutes each day Library and/or AR book (your child’s reading level will be provided to you by your teacher) Record reading minutes daily After reading a book 3 times, sign up for an AR quiz Recording your reading- In your child’s planner (it says pages, you record minutes) or on the HW Cover page Homework is part of your child’s Study Skills grade.
Grammar and Flip Video
Reading Comprehension
Spelling (some teachers) Practice capitals, punctuation, and best spelling. General Homework Reminders Home will go home on Mondays. Homework is due on Fridays. Please make sure your name is on your homework. Questions/Answers