English 10 - 3/25/19 “What we have here is a failure to communicate.” This famous quote by the warden in Cool Hand Luke (CHL) could mean many things, how could a “failure to communicate” be a problem? Who are the cleanest people in the choir? Cacographer – one who spells or writes badly. Goals – Analyze and discuss a quote from Self- reliance. Watch CHL. Homework – Don’t forget to study for vocabulary Final 16-23 Thursday. Soap-pranos!
English 10 - 3/26/19 How can watching a movie or reading a book help us examine our principles and find direction in life? What did the alien say to the flower bed? Ambidexter – a double-dealer. Goals – Discuss and write about “envy is ignorance.” Homework - Don’t forget to study for vocabulary Final 16-23 Thursday. Take me to your weeder!
English 10 – 3/27/19 Why does Luke keep getting up and letting Dragline beat him? What images from the scene might support your idea? Everybody is somebody else’s weirdo. Angelolater – one who worships angels. Goals – Continue to examine ideas from Self- Reliance. Watch CHL to make connections with it. Homework – Don’t forget to study for vocabulary Final 16-23 tomorrow.
English 10 - 3/28/19 Five minutes to prepare for vocab. Final 16- 23. Some days you are the bug, some days you are the windshield. Funambulist – a rope walker. Goals – Successfully complete vocab final 16-23. Homework – none.
English 10 - 3/29/19 Does Luke care what the other inmates think of him? Does he do what he does for recognition? What do cows like to drink? Shoyhoy – a boy hired to scare birds. Goals – Watch CHL. Homework – Write a five page paper on what a great guy Mr. O’Connor is. Psych! Smoooooothies!