Lab Safety Rules
You have to wear goggles in lab: As soon as you walk in the room-put them on-do not take them off until you are finished with the lab and have cleaned everything up and have asked me if you can take them off!!!!!!!! You will lose 5 pts on your grade every time that I have to tell you to put them back on.
PLEASE!!! Let me know if you wear contacts. You can only wear contacts in lab with non-directly vented chemical splash goggles.
Lab Attire NO SANDALS!!!!!!!! (or you have to wear the nasty shoes) Long hair must be tied back. Lab aprons are a must! Otherwise, your clothes might get ruined. Don’t wear your favorite jeans on lab day.
Be careful in the lab: No pushing, no shoving, no throwing, no touching anyone… period!!! All of these things are potentially dangerous to you and your classmates and will not be tolerated.
Please let me know if: You break something. You spill something. You hurt yourself. You are using glassware with cracks in it.
Never, Ever, Ever….. Start a lab if I am not in the room. Chew gum, eat, or drink in the lab. Heat a liquid in a closed container. Leave lab without cleaning up your mess. Touch, taste, or smell any chemical-even if you think it is harmless. Take chemicals or equipment out of my lab.
ALWAYS….. Dispose of chemicals as I tell you. Wash your hands before you leave lab. Know the location of all safety equipment. Read the lab handout and listen to all instructions before going to the lab.
If you spill an acid on you… Let me know. Blot the acid with a paper towel. Wash your hands in the sink. Remember… acids react with water to produce heat, so it is best to get as much acid off as possible before washing your hands!!!
Other things… Never use a beaker to measure volumes of liquids. Always use a graduated cylinder.
Be careful not to contaminate chemicals Use a different spatula for each chemical or wash the spatula between uses.