This is the pre show setup Orchard (Sc 1-2) Fly: Orchard IN Spike (Navy Blue): Tree horse: This is the pre show setup
Lawn (Sc 3-6) Not in use: Castle ext IN Orchard OUT Spike: (Purple) Direction tbd Castle ext IN Orchard OUT Spike: (Purple) throne Not in use:
Goes back on its dark blue spike Palace Room (Sc. 7-8) Direction tbd Goes back on its dark blue spike Castle ext OUT Castle int IN Spike: (tan) Stays on purple spike
Orchard (Scene 9) Fly: Orchard IN Spike (Navy Blue): Tree horse:
Forest 1 (sc 10) Spike: Neon Green Not in use: Castle int OUT tree Tree horse:
Forest 2 (Sc 11) Direction tbd Spike: Hot Pink tree 3 forest flies IN
Forest 3 (Sc 12) String lights IN 3 forest flies IN Spike: Blue Direction tbd tree String lights IN 3 forest flies IN Spike: Blue
Palace Room (Sc 13) Stays on blue spike String lights OUT Direction tbd tree Stays on blue spike String lights OUT 3 forest flies OUT Castle int IN Spike: Grey
Last scene change before Intermission Spike: Yellow Forest 4 (Sc 14-17) Direction tbd On the Blue spikes Big ½ of ramp tree wing ? forest flies IN Castle int OUT Last scene change before Intermission Spike: Yellow
Change to this during Intermission Forest 5 (Sc 18) Direction tbd wing tree 3 forest flies IN Spike: Burgundy Change to this during Intermission
Forest 6 (Sc 19-20) 3 forest flies IN Spike: Neon Orange Direction tbd tree wing
Forest 7 (Sc 21-23) 3 forest flies IN Spike: Turquoise Direction tbd wing tree wing 3 forest flies IN Spike: Turquoise
Stays in same place as last scene Forest 8 (Sc 24) Direction tbd 3 forest flies IN String lights IN tree Spike color: Red Stays in same place as last scene
Forest 9 (Sc 25-27) ? forest flies IN Spike: Grey & hot pink Direction tbd wing wing ? forest flies IN Castle int OUT Spike: Grey & hot pink
Forest 10 (Sc 28) 3 forest flies IN Return to Blue Spike