Numerator over a denominator. The bar means division. Numerator tells how many pieces or the amount we are talking about out of the whole. The denominator tells the total amount of pieces or the whole amount.
Common Fractions and Improper Fractions Common Fractions - Numerator is less than the denominator: ex – 4/7 Improper Fractions – Numerator is greater than the denominator: 5/3
Mixed Numbers Whole number plus a fraction. 3 ½
Simplest Form or Terms When the numerator and the denominator have no common factors other than 1. ¾ is in simplest form because 3 and 4 have no other common factors except 1. In other words, simplest form means you have divided both the numerator and denominator by the GCF or all factors that are common.
Example of simplest form: Get 78/124 to simplest form. Find the GCF for 78 and 124 (you can use prime factorization and your divisibility rules) The GCF of 78 and 124 is 2 so you would divide both 78 and 124 by 2 and get 39/62 which is simplest form for that fraction.