Domesticity and Cognition in Dogs
Dogs can do a lot of high level behavior! Nonsocial learning Demonstrations of learning and problem solving that requires no social cues Social learning Demonstrations of learning and problem solving that require social cues from other dogs or humans
Nonsocial Learning Strong discrimination learning Most often use MTS or DMTS Visual cues Color of objects: blue vs. organge, black vs. white E.g., Milgram, et al, 1994; Araujo, et al, 2014 Spatial cues: body position and landmarks Better at body position (L, R) Milgram, et al 1999; Ashton and DeLillo, 211 Auditory cues: Go/no go: Brown and Slotysik (1999) Different sounds Human vocal signals (McConnel, 1999) Olfactory cues, particularly nonsocial odor cues
Nonsocial Learning Contingency reversal learning: Object permanence: Can learn A B and then B A Ashton& DeLillo, 2011 Object permanence: Can find hidden object when observe object hidden Some data ((Gagnon & Dore, 1992, 1994) suggests can find when NOT see the object being hidden Object learning (Framl & Frank, 1985) Categorizing and inferential learning: Range, et al, 2008
Nonsocial Learning Object manipulation (Topal, et al, 1997) Means-end task (Osthaus et al, 2005) Quantitative tasks More vs. less Some counting Search order Spatial navigation: Cattet & Etienne, 2004 and solving detour problems (Pongracz, et al, 2001)
Nonsocial counting: Dogs can count? Numerical competence and ability to discriminate more and less Dogs about as good at numerical competence as the great apes! West and Young (2002) from Pepperberg (1994) Dogs shown three problems 1+1 = 2; 1+1=1; 1+1=3 (all in dog biscuits; shown problem then solution) Dogs gazed longer when the expected solution was wrong
Expectancy violations Tinkelpaugh (1928) task Show food item Cover it up with a cup Slide to animal Animal lifts up cup- but tricked: another lesser preferred food is there Look to see if animal is surprised/upset Dogs show strong expectancy violation So do chimps, corvids
Language learning? Rico: Chaser: Kaminski, Call & Fisher, 2004 Learned 200 nouns Chaser: Pilley and Reid, 2011 Learned 600 names of objects Also can deduce new objects; show inference May be partially do to novelty effects
Social Learning Selectively avoid forbidden food, but grab it when the owner is not looking Beg from an individual that can see them, rather than their owner who cannot. Learn via Social learning and Imitation Watch human for cues to obtain food/toy Can be taught to imitate: “do it” Follow a human point: sensitive to Arm point Head turning Nodding Bowing Glancing in direction of target Miklosi & sporoni, 2006; Agnette et al, 2000; Udell, et al, 2008
Social learning Can do perspective taking Change reaction to forbidden food (Call, et a, 2003; Tomasello, 2008) Change where drop ball depending on position of human Begging responses change depending on actions of human Attempt to communicate with humans: Move objects closer Indicate location of items Ask for help with problem Occurs as early as 8 weeks Service dogs are better! Miklosi, et al, 2003; Viranyi, et al, 2006; Topal, et al, 2006
Social learning Can model other dogs Not as good as model humans Snout contact provides information (Lupfer-Johnson) Very good at modeling off of humans Action matching: Do as I do Topal, et al, 2006; Huber, et al, 2009; Range, et al, 20070
Povinelli and Eddy, 1996: Choice of target when begging Dogs trained to beg from a human for food Offered choice of a blindfolded human or a human that could see them (for control, also a human with the blindfold over the mouth, nose, around the neck) Dogs preferred the human with no blindfold over the eyes; no difference between this an person with blindfold who could see Only chimps, bonobos also do this Povllelli, et al, 1990; Heyes, 1993 Dogs, like chimps, use human behavior for cues to food location Humans pointed, turned head or just turned eyes to look at location of hidden food Dogs could use all three cues to determine where the food was located
Held, et al., 2001; Ashton and Cooper (in Cooper et al, 2003) Dogs can use errors as clues, as well Dogs blindfolded and not blindfolded: find food in room after model demonstrates Watched/not watched model get a hidden food Those who could watch did better Had other dogs watch the blindfolded dogs find the food Blindfolded dogs made many mistakes before found food Those dogs who watched avoided the areas that the food was not and went more directly to the final food location, avoiding the errors
Cooper, et al 2001 Dogs able to choose which observer they preferred: Three locations that food was hidden One human was in room (with the dog) when the food was hidden; human could see the location of the hidden food (watched the “hider”); dog could not Second person entered room after food was hidden Both humans sat in chairs, dog was to choose who to approach to get the food for them Overwhelmingly chose the individual who was in the room at the time the food was hidden
Dogs understand fairness (Range, et al., 2009) Dogs taught to shake hands to get a reward Two dogs at a time Dogs had to shake hands with experimenter One dog is rewarded, the other is not Dogs who got rewarded kept responding to cue Dogs who did NOT get rewarded Hesitated longer before responding Quit responding
Two studies for today: Is your choice my Choice? Study by Prato-Previde, Marshall-Pescini and Valsecchi (Italians!). Interested in how dogs’ owners may influence how dogs choose between bigger and smaller choice Food choice is particularly strong Most dogs food driven Choose bigger (evolutionary drive, too!) But, also want to “please” their owners
Why choose owner’s preference? What has years of socialization selected dogs to do? Attend to owners “please” owners by obeying commands, doing what owners desire Dogs are selected to both Attend to humans Choose most food
Method 54 dog-owner dyads Three different tasks: Mostly pure breeds Some mixed breeds Three different tasks: Bigger smaller choice Bigger smaller choice with human pointing to smaller 1:1 choice with human pointing to a particular choice Also gave the CBARQ assessment Several subscales on aggression, excitation, separation anxiety, general fears Did not feed dogs for several hours before study
Results 1:1 condition: Bigger/Smaller owners’ preference 82% chose owners choice 6% chose opposite plate 12% showed no preference Bigger/Smaller owners’ preference 32% chose larger 32% chose owner’s choice 36% chose both equally often How did the deaf dogs in my study differ? 75% chose the owner’s choice rather than the bigger choice
Other Effects Gender differences: no differences Age effects: older dogs were likely to be more accurate Training Effects: no effects Location effects: indoors better than outdoors CBARQ: dogs more likely to follow owner preference were more likely to have higher separation anxiety scores
Lupfer-Johnson and Ross study Dogs, along with just a few other species, are able to learn from conspecifics Human children Red winged blackbirds Dwarf (Siberian) but not Syrian hamsters Rats What is common element: All are social species Social behaviors important for feeding Even in dogs! Pavlov’s work showed that feeding can be conditioned Socializing while searching for food is advantageous Help one another All more likely to eat when work together Working together increases likelihood of survival for individual and the group
Method 22 dogs in boarding facility (doggie day care) 1 dog served as demonstrator for 12 total demonstrator-observer pairs All other dogs served once as either demonstrator or observer Used flavored food: basil or Thyme to dog food Procedure Demonstrator dog ate basil or thyme food in separate room Then, entered group room and allowed to interact with observer dog for 20 minutes Then observer dog offered both thyme and basil food; had to choose one to eat Food weighed to determine how much they ate of each food.
Results One way ANOVA on the data Dogs were significantly more likely to eat the flavor the demonstrator dog ate; just like our deaf dogs! Dogs with basil demonstrators ate significantly more basil food than those with thyme demonstrators (apparently thyme is icky)
Sensitivity to human social cues Dogs show sensitivity to human social stimuli when they reliably alter behavior to obtain reinforcement in the presence of stimuli that depends on instruction or mediation by a human companion Theory of Mind and dogs: Heyes (1998): “…an animal with a theory of mind believes that mental states play a causal role in generating behavior and infers the presence of mental states in others by observing their appearance and behavior under various circumstances”. DO dogs have a theory of mind?
Let’s review the 2 theories regarding dog behavior and cognition
Domestication of Dogs Involves both natural and artificial selection Natural selection: Develops individuals who more likely tolerant of humans Remain closer in, live with humans Several sub categories Tame domesticated Genetically domesticated but wild (feral) Wild type but tame Interestingly, 75% of world’s dogs are feral 100,000 year history of domestication As humans entered more agricultural lifestyle, wolves scavenged for food from them Led to changes in wolf morphology and behavior Reduced fear and aggression in presence of humans = exploitation of more food sources Later, humans began to selectively breed dogs
Domestication Hypothesis (Hare, et al): Domestication = sufficient cause of canid’s sensitivity to human social behavior Human and dog convergent evolution of advanced social cognition in response to similar social selection pressures Hare : number of comparisons of wolves versus dogs and domesticated foxes: Dogs better at following human gestures; Wolves only good at point/gaze Socialized wolves improve at point/gaze task Experimentally domesticated foxes performed like dogs As get older, wolves prefer to be with another wolf rather than a human Most dogs are the opposite: preference for human interaction
Arguments against Domestication Hypothesis Domestic dogs have smaller brains than wolves Socialized wolves can learn human signals as well as dogs Improbable that dogs have innate ability to exploit behavior of humans Not conspecifics Different morphology and behavior E.g., the “hat” problem: owner in hat vs. owner without hat. Ontogeny plays crucial role in development of effective conspecific social interactions in canids (and many other species)
Two stage hypothesis Sensitivity of canid to human social cues depends on TWO types of ontogenic experiences Interactions with humans during sensitivity developmental period leading to acceptance of humans as social companions Learning across the lifespan: not restricted to one particular phase of development Learn to use location and movement of human body parts to locate sought-after objects Canids not so much changes qualitatively, as domestication has changed quantitative rate of certain behavior
Predictions Both wild and domestic canids have phylogenetic prerequisites to respond to human social signals and have mutually beneficial interactions with humans Biological Preparedness and Biological Boundaries of learning Dogs are “prepared” to learn certain (human) cues and emotions But: this preparedness to respond requires experience to elicit and shape it Will become socialized to whatever it is around: Other dogs Sheep or cattle humans
So…..based on all you have learned this semester Which hypothesis do YOU think is better supported? Why are these issues important for The area of cognitive science Psychology in general Dog training