Power and energy systems and electricity markets: an artificial intelligence based approach Tiago Pinto GECAD research group Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal
Wholesale Electricity Market SIMULATION Wholesale Electricity Market Retail Market
Multi-Agent Simulator for Competitive Electricity Markets
Adaptive Decision Support for Electricity Market Negotiations
AiD-EM - Adaptive Decision Support for Electricity Markets negotiations MASCEM - Multi-Agent Simulator of Competitive Electricity Markets MASGriP - Multi-Agent Smart Grid Platform IDeSMAS - Intelligence and Decision Support Multi-Agent System PLCMAS - Programmable Logic Control Multi-Agent System
Generation Consumption
Challenges Data correlation / Big Data Execution times Internet of Things (IoT) Large scale simulation Security / Privacy Trust / Explainability
Power and energy systems and electricity markets: an artificial intelligence based approach Tiago Pinto GECAD research group Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal