WIE (Women In Engineering Kristi Brooks Jan 22, 2011 Title WIE (Women In Engineering Kristi Brooks Jan 22, 2011
Summary of 2010 WIE hosted ENGAGE—Research-based strategies to Retain Undergraduate in Engineering Supports http://www.tryengineering.org/ Currently 7 Affinity Groups in Region 4 2 Student Branch Groups 5 Affinity Groups at Section level 8/25/2019
Plans for 2011 I contacted Irena Atov, WIE Committee Chair, to find out what has been planned for WIE in 2011 and see what I can do to contribute. Make initial contact with each Affinity Group Chair. Introduce myself and ask how I can further support their activities.
Plans for 2011 (cont) Use an initiative similar to what I used to increase GOLD affinity group formation and activity.