SEN funding for schools June 2019
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Equality Act 2010
SEND Code of Practice Children and Families Act 2014
SEN information reports School Accessibility Plans
Specialist Targetted Universal The funding triangle Element 1 AWPU Between £4,736 and £15,818 Element 3 EHC Plan – top up Element 2 Notional SEN Up to £6,000 for pupils who need it Element 1 AWPU Around £4,000 per pupil
Element 1 - universal
Element 2 – targeted (notional SEN) Each school receives an overall amount, calculated using the postcode index of deprivation (IDACI) Not ring fenced Can be used flexibly to meet need within the school
Inclusive quality first teaching Provision Management What is it? ALL Inclusive quality first teaching SOME Catch-up small group intervention FEW Individualised SEN provision SEN Support 14.4% nationally – EHC Plans 2.8%
SEND Code of Practice, Jan. 2015, para 6 SEND Code of Practice, Jan. 2015, para 6.76 Provision maps are an efficient way of showing all the provision that the school makes which is additional to and different from that which is offered through the school’s curriculum. The use of provision maps can help SENCOs to maintain an overview of the programmes and interventions used with different groups of pupils and provide a basis for monitoring the levels of intervention
Provision Management or Provision Mapping? A provision map records the ‘additional to’ and ‘different from’ provision that a school is currently providing for vulnerable pupils. Provision Management is a strategic management approach which enables schools to identify the provision necessary to meet the needs of their pupils, record and cost their provision and review and evaluate its effectiveness in terms of pupil progress outcomes.
Provision mapping – cycle of improvement Mapping what is available Improving what is available Evaluating what is available
Extract from Year 3 School Provision Map Resource Staff/ Pupil Ratio Staff involved Cost in time (Weekly) Actual Cost (Weekly x no of weeks) Expected Outcomes Assessment Tool to track progress Literacy – Acceleread (4 x 15 mins for 12 weeks) 9:1 LSA Teacher 30 mins £105 £186 Double expected progress in RA Reading Accuracy/ Assessment In-class support using visual strategies and zones of regulation to reduce inappropriate behaviour (5 x 45 mins for 12 weeks) 1:2 3.75 hours £607.50 Reduction in incidences of inappropriate behaviour Behaviour log
Element 3 – “top up” – EHCP High needs top up funding for mainstream schools / element three Level one Level two Level three Level four Level five £ 4,736 £ 6,077 £ 6,500 £ 11,432 £ 15,818 Level one Level two Level three Level four Level five From April 2018 - 2019 £ 4,736 £ 6,077 £ 6,500 £ 11,432 £ 15,818