Further education and skills: next generation learning Kendal College 8 th May Bob Harrison
The Obama Effect President Obama said: "In a 21st-century world where jobs can be shipped wherever there's an Internet connection, where a child born in Dallas is now competing with a child in New Delhi, where your best job qualification is not what you do, but what you know -- education is no longer just a pathway to opportunity and success, it's a prerequisite for success." In addition, President Obama noted that: "I'm calling on our nation's governors and state education chiefs to develop standards and assessments that don't simply measure whether students can fill in a bubble on a test, but whether they possess 21st century skills like problem-solving and critical thinking and entrepreneurship and creativity."
3 Context We want to see: colleges and providers understanding technology and making strategic investments in IT staff who are confident and skilled in deploying technology discriminating learners and employers choosing what, where, when and how to learn in a safe environment teaching and learning supported by fit-for-purpose and innovative technology such as customised planning and curriculum management tools, online assessment etc intelligent buildings and transformed learning spaces business systems made effective and efficient through technology Our vision for further education, skills and regeneration is of a system in which technology will help colleges and providers to meet the needs of learners, employers and communities at all levels – local, regional and national.
The technology horizon Avoiding uncertain prediction Current educational leading edge and emerging business IT practice: Personal internet devices and mobility Ubiquitous connectivity, wireless access Resource, application and desktop virtualisation Other green computing practices – power management, recycling, telecommuting Next generation collaborative environments (e.g. VLEs) A view informed by…
Partners visions for capital programmes A view informed by…
FE college e-enablement plateau, and stubborn late adopter segment Becta: Measuring e-maturity in the FE sector (2008)
FE College leadership and organisational culture challenges E-Mature providers: Technology for learning strategy is led by a member of the senior leadership team, with the full support of the Principal The strategy is founded in business and quality improvement Innovation is supported and encouraged Change has been accepted by staff as a necessary challenge Becta: Measuring e-maturity in the FE Sector (2008)
Only 1 in 4 colleges are using technology really well that means that 3,515,250 learners could be getting more from their provider and this is only counting public-funded learners! Technology now...the reality
What it takes to learn John Dewey Jean Piaget Lev Vygotsky Jerome Bruner Paulo Freire Gordon Pask Terry Winograd Seymour Papert Lauren Resnick John Seely Brown Ference Marton Roger Säljö John Biggs Jean Lave Inquiry-based education Constructivism Mediated learning Discovery learning Learning as problematization Learning as conversation Problem-based learning Reflective practice Meta-cognition Experiential learning Learner-oriented approach Social constructivism Situated learning share a common conception of the learning process There is a common thread in our understanding of learning - the learner is an active agent in the learning process
What it takes to learn does not change Inquiry-based learning Constructivism Mediated learning Discovery learning Learning as conversation Problem-based learning Reflective practice Meta-cognition Experiential learning Learner-oriented approach Social constructivism Situated learning Books, Blackboards, Slides Broadcasts, Overhead projectors Tape-slides Interactive whiteboards, Powerpoint Web-pages, Podcasts Modelling tools Simulations Chat-rooms Online conferences Multiplayer games Wikis Blogs Learning through attention
What do these all have common?
Answer: They have all been banned in classrooms
Learners Their Space: Digital Beginnings Hannah Green Celia Hannon
In class I have to power down (Guardian, May, 2007)
Learners of the future
Common classroom activities 52% 29% 25% 22% 17% 16% 10% 9% 8% 7% 4% 3% Copy from the board or a book Listen to a teacher talking for a long time Have a class discussion Take notes while my teacher talks Work in small groups to solve a problem Have a drink of water when I need it Work on a computer Listen to background music Have some activities that allow me to move around Create pictures or maps to help me remember Have a change of activity to help focus Which three of the following do you do most often in class? Spend time thinking quietly on my own Talk about my work with a teacher Learn things that relate to the real world Teach my classmates about something Base: All pupils (2,417)Source: Ipsos MORI Have people from outside to help me learn Learn outside in my schools grounds 33%
Most preferred ways to learn 55% 39% 35% 31% 21% 19% 16% 14% 12% 9% 8% 5% 6% 3% 1% In groups By doing practical things With friends By using computers Alone From friends With your parents By practising By copying By thinking for yourself Other From others In which three of the following ways do you prefer to learn? From teachers By seeing things done In silence At a museum or library Base:All pupils (2,417)Source: Ipsos MORI
Learners More than half of all secondary school students are excited about using mobile devices to help them learn; only 15 percent of school leaders support this idea. Source: Project Tomorrow. Credit: David Julian
Centre for Learning and Performance Technologies-Top Tools for Learners Googlesearch 2.YouTube 3.Firefox 4.Wikipedia 5.Gmail,Facebook,Google reader,Twitter 6.Google scholar 7.Skype 8.Moodle 9.Itunes 10.Word 11.Flickr 12.Powerpoint 13.Slideshare
Learners How children learn using technology outside school
Learners Children's favourite learning with technology inside school
Learning - iTunes U
Learning Curriculum and teaching innovationTransforming classroom practice and personalisation a Futurelab handbook
Learning Digital Inclusion – How the design and use of digital technologies can promote educational equality Innovative Teaching – Innovative practices and resources that enhance learning and teaching Learning Spaces – Creating transformed physical and virtual environments Mobile Learning – Learning on the move, with or without handheld technology Games and Learning – Using games for learning, with or without gaming technology Informal Learning – Learning that occurs when, how and where the learner chooses, supported by digital technologies Learning in Families – Children, parents and the extended family learning with and from one another
Learning Harnessing Technology: Preliminary identification of trends affecting the use of technology for learning July 2008 Ian Chowcat, Barry Phillips and John Popham - Sero Consulting Ian Jones, Learning Sciences Research Institute, University of Nottingham
Learning From our preliminary analysis of the trends, six cross-cutting themes emerge; these are the: Wide-ranging implications for curriculum and pedagogy of Web 2.0 technologies, and the behaviours of young people who are incorporating them into their lives. Longer-term impact on curriculum and pedagogy of capital investment programmes. Changing demands for workplace skills. Extent to which both social and technological drivers will lead to a fundamental transformation of the character of education and how it is organised. Implications for the pedagogical role and professional development of teachers and other enablers of learning. Implications for education of the arrival of pervasive computing.
BSF House of Commons Education and Skills Committee Sustainable Schools: Are we building schools for the future? Seventh Report of Session 2006–07 Volume I
BSF - House of Commons Education and Skills Committee The role of ICT in BSF is being seen as that of a supplementary teaching and learning facility rather than a transformational tool. This actually adds unsustainable cost and little is being done to change the existing cost and environmental parameters. ICT has not been established as a differentiator in BSF. The approach we have seen has been to procure ICT to satisfy a minimum standard at least cost. This has resulted in many of the opportunities for innovation, value-add and transformation that ICT can facilitate being lost.
BSF - House of Commons Education and Skills Committee ICT does offer one way of transforming the school experience. The risk is that, when there is no clear guidance, ICT may be used as a tool by pupils but its potential to monitor their progress, manage their learning and inform decisions about future teaching will be under-used. Guidance on making the most of ICT and examples of good practice should be issued by the DCSF. Within FE and Skills good practice is being promoted through the Technology Exemplar Network and supported by the Next Generation Learning Awards.
Questions, questions - what sort of education do we want to see in future? - how many computers do we need? - what sorts of learning relationships do we want to foster? - what buildings do we want? - what competencies do we want learners to develop? - What tools and resources are available to us to support learning? Adapted from Re-Imagining Learning Spaces - Futurelab, 2006
21 st Century Learning If the aim is really to transform education then we must: – Use 21 st century tools to develop learning skills – Teach and learn in a 21 st century context – Teach and learn 21 st century content – Use 21 st century assessments that measure 21 st century skills Learning for the 21 st Century (2004)
21 st Century Skills Information and communication skills – Information and media literacy skills – Communication skills Thinking and problem solving skills – Critical thinking and systems thinking – Problem identification, formulation and solution – Creativity and intellectual curiosity Interpersonal and self-directional skills – Interpersonal and collaborative skills – Self-direction – Accountability and adaptability – Social responsibility
Its not about the technology …. … its about new thinking.
he barriers are in our heads!through the Building Schools for the Future programme. Almost all the barriers are in our heads. The only barriers are in our heads!
What are your challenges ? How can Becta help? The Challenge