Compiled by Neil Morley for the TBM Conference Call Nov. 17, 2005 DCLL TBM R&D Summary Compiled by Neil Morley for the TBM Conference Call Nov. 17, 2005
Main DCLL TBM R&D areas R&D Morley Tritium Permeation (including TP R&D tasks) Merrill Willms Thermofluid MHD Smolentsev SiC/SiC Fab Process & Properties Katoh SiC/PbLi/FS Compatibility (including exterior loop materials) Pint FS Box Fabrication & Material Issues (including piping/vaccum connections) Rowcliffe,Kurtz Dagher Helium Systems Subcomponent Tests Wong PbLi Hydrogen Production Be Joining to FS Zinkle,Ulrickson Virtual TBM Abdou Advanced Diagnostics Integrated mockup tests Ulrickson,Tanaka
Things to consider Reasons for R&D, information: Needed for Design and Design Specs and Tolerances Needed for Fabrication (TBM within Design Specs) Needed for Qualification (TBM accepted by Regulator and ITER) Needed to Interpret Experiments (TBM gives useful data) Concept of ITER as test bed, How much R&D should be done before hand, and how much could be learned from first tests in ITER Concept of Base program, Should a fundamental R&D Sensitivity to design tolerances, sensitivity to property database
Next steps Everyone: Accepting comments on the R&D Evaluation Table Nov. 30, 2005: Complete revised schedule and cost estimate for WBS level 6 and lower (include contingency factor Task Coordinators: Revisit your task descriptions, schedules and costing. Are you recommending any changes?? Please give me input by next weeks call Tom , what about contingency on R&D tasks? Integrated Project Schedule: I will be working on providing input to Tom on R&D task scheduling that is integrated with other WBS level 4 needs. Try to get a strawman for your review by Nov. 30. with detailed discussion at Dec 12-14 meeting Find out what happened at TBWG Find out 2006 budgets