Mise-en-scene Activity Juan Govea, Raul Rendon,Sergio Leon, Moises Flores, Adrian Martinez
Forrest Gump Robert Zemeckis Produced July 6, 1994
Set/Location analysis Both the Gump house and Jenny’s farmhouse were reportedly built on the Bluff Plantation on the Combahee River between Varnville and Beaufort.
Camera Analysis There are many shots used that help connect the story, like the tracking shot that purposely used so the audience could focus on Forrest. Other shots include Pan shots, Tilt shots and Wide shots.
Prop analysis Different props include: Books Bikes cars
Lighting analysis The lighting used is supposed demonstrate the different emotions being displayed by the actors. Some examples of lighting used would be natural lighting and high key light.
Costume hair and makeup In the scene the costumes worn by the characters are supposed to convey the idea of the 1950’s south. The outfits worn coincide with the clothing worn in that time period. As the scene progresses it shows forrest in the 1990’s and the clothing worn then is supposed to match with the era as well. Some of costume extensions used are Forrest’s leg braces and the makeup worn when he's bleeding.
Sound Analysis In the scene where forest breaks his leg braces inspirational music plays showing a turning point in his childhood In the beginning of the scene there are various diegetic sounds like the bike tires turning, footsteps and the noise coming from Forrest’s leg braces. There is voiceover when Forest starts to explain what happened There is dialogue between the bullies, Jenny and Forest Inspirational music starts when the scene goes slo-mo
Editing analysis Cuts:The transitions in the scene help the viewers understand the story that forrest is telling from his childhood. In the scene it goes into slow motion when he breaks his leg braces for running to fast. 6 eye line matches within the scene
Color analysis In the scene the three attackers are wearing vibrant colors which add to their role as the attackers. Forrest and Jenny are both wearing softer colors which shows that they are the victims within the scene.
Actors’ Performance and Body Language In the beginning of the scene Jenny’s body language shows the audience the relationship Jenny and Forrest have in their childhood. Jenny looks worried when Forrest starts running The bullies body language when they throw rocks and chase Forrest around shows The lady listening to Forrest’s story has body language that shows she is not interested