Am I being used? God can use ordinary people to do extraordinary things, but they must be people who are faithful, available, and teachable.
The Lord used Gideon Faithful Available Teachable With his doubts and questions (Judges 6:11-13) With no self-confidence (Judges 6:14-15) Allowing him to take small steps of faith (Judges 6:17—7:11) Gideon was useful when he was F.A.T. Faithful Available Teachable
The Lord can use you if you are… Faithful (Ephesians 2:8-10) Available (Romans 6:13; 2 Tim. 2:21) Teachable (Psalm 86:11; 119:33-35; Philippians 2:12-13)
Are you willing to be used for God’s glory and not your own? Whatever God may do with us, it is for His glory (Isaiah 10:15; 1 Corinthians 3:7) If you think you are not capable, that’s good, because you’re not! But God is! (2 Corinthians 3:4-5)