THE HUMAN DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Name _________________________________________ Date _________________ Period ___________ THE HUMAN DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Directions: Place all your answers directly on this sheet. This worksheet should be an excellent review for your quiz tomorrow. READ all the questions CAREFULLY, and make sure that your response addresses what the question is asking. You may use your notes, the class website, or chapter 38 of your book to help you. Leave no questions blank. Questions left blank will be marked off at double the points of a wrong answer. Do well, learn much, and have fun! 0. What is your favourite type of juice? 1. What is the overall purpose of the digestive system? 2. What type of digestion does saliva do? 3. What type of digestion does your stomach do? 4. Which is longer, the small intestine, or the large intestine? 5. If your large intestine stops working, what is one possible consequence? EXPLAIN completely. 6. Why is it a good idea for the anus to have two sphincters? 7. Name and describe TWO functions of the HCl in the stomach. 8. What would happen if we didn’t have a stomach, or any sort of bulge in our digestive system in which we could store food? 9. Name a creature that doesn’t have a stomach. Tournez la page, S.V.P.
What is the function of the small intestine? 11-15. In the space below, pick two of your favourite digestive organs, draw them, and explain what they do and how they work. You must complete all parts of this question to get full credit!