School Counseling Services Coordinator Wellstone Behavioral Health: Nova Center for Youth and Family Memorandum of Understanding Update Cedric J. Delbridge School Counseling Services Coordinator
Overview of Current NOVA School Based Services NOVA Center is a division of Wellstone Behavioral Health HCS’ Third Year of Collaboration with NOVA No cost to HCS except space: Bill Medicaid and various forms of insurances 17 NOVA Therapists are in 24 schools Last year they provided services to an approximate total of 739 students (63% Medicaid) (37% other insurance or no insurance) Top student mental health needs addressed last year include: ADHD, ODD, Adjustment Disorder, and Anxiety
Wellstone Memorandum of Understanding Revisions/Updates In short, there were minimal revisions/updates, but changes to include: More clear and concise verbiage NOVA to render Monthly Data Reports (Caseloads/Reason for sessions) NOVA Therapists to provide faculty/staff orientation at BOY Clarified expected communication responsibilities between needed parties (Administrator, Counselor, Therapist, etc.) Included “confidentiality” statement as it pertains to FERPA and HIPPA requirements Make a chart/spreadsheet: $$, # of seniors, # of seniors getting a scholarship, % getting a scholarship