Finnish Environment Institute, SYKE 12.10.2005 Northern GIG (lakes) ECOSTAT meeting Italy, Stresa, 13 - 14 Oct 2005 Ansa Pilke Finnish Environment Institute, SYKE A. Pilke, SYKE
Northern GIG WFD ecoregions based on Illies’ regions A. Pilke/SYKE 12.10.2005 WFD ecoregions based on Illies’ regions
GIG organised acc. to water categories and pressures A. Pilke/SYKE Organisation Northern GIG is a combination of lake and river GIGs, coordination since early summer 2005 by Finland (SYKE, A. Pilke) WG Lakes (eutrophication) – NIVA, NO, Anne Lyche Solheim WG Rivers (eutroph. and org.) – EPA, IRL, Martin McCarrigle WG Acidification (both lakes and rivers) – Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences SLU, SWE, Willem Goodkoep 12.10.2005
Pressures for lakes Pressures Eutrophication (all countries) A. Pilke/SYKE Pressures Eutrophication (all countries) Acidification (NO, SWE,UK) 12.10.2005
Scope for lakes For eutrophication Phytoplankton Macrophytes A. Pilke/SYKE For eutrophication Phytoplankton Macrophytes at first one type L-N1 tested 12.10.2005
Scope for lakes For acidification A. Pilke/SYKE For acidification Macroinvertebrates (littoral) (NO, SWE, UK) Possibly fish (NO, SWE) 12.10.2005
Types/lakes Eutrophication types 12.10.2005 Types/lakes A. Pilke/SYKE Eutrophication types L-N1, L-N2a, L-N2b, L-N3, L-N5 and L-N8 Acidification types L-N5, L-N6 12.10.2005 A. Pilke, SYKE
Metrics /lakes For eutrophication A. Pilke/SYKE For eutrophication Biovolume, chl a, relative abundance of cyanophytes and chrysophytes 12.10.2005
Metrics /lakes For acidification Three separate national indices: A. Pilke/SYKE For acidification Three separate national indices: Medin’s index Raddum’s index NIVA index 12.10.2005
Data /lakes Fairly uniform sampling and analysis A. Pilke/SYKE Fairly uniform sampling and analysis of samples, esp. in SWE, NO and FI, for instance phytoplankton analysis (Olrik et al. 1998) and fish standard sampling methods (Nordic net) etc. Especially differences between monitoring programmes. 12.10.2005
Phases of N GIG work A. Pilke/SYKE 12.10.2005
Work of Northern GIG /lakes A. Pilke/SYKE Ongoing work with eutrophication and phytoplankton 1. Analysis of data Phytoplankton: To compare and evaluate results on reference P and chl a composition of phytoplankton both based on work with REBECCA lakes 12.10.2005
Work of Northern GIG /lakes A. Pilke/SYKE Phytoplankton composition, examples of recent work Evaluation of changes of all the different classes of phytoplankton along the biomass (biovolume) gradient has been started (began with clear water type L-N2a in Tihany, later all N GIG types will be evaluated in each country). 12.10.2005
Lake database of REBECCA project NIVA, Robert Ptacnic Clear water lake type L-N2a + L-N5 A. Pilke/SYKE perc. class % 100 Rest Cyano 80 Chloro Diato 12.10.2005 60 Crypto 40 Dino 20 Chryso Lake database of REBECCA project NIVA, Robert Ptacnic Biomass Chlorophyll a
Humic lake types L-N3 + L-N6 A. Pilke/SYKE 1.0 Rest Cyano 0.8 Chloro Diato 12.10.2005 0.6 Crypto 0.4 Dino 0.2 Chryso 0.0 Biomass/Chlorophyll a
Work of Northern GIG A. Pilke/SYKE Planned work with eutrophication and macrophytes (during October – November) 2. Macrophytes in the N GIG intercalibration To decide how to establish the base for macrophytes in the N GIG, how to compile the data, which metrics. 12.10.2005
Work of Northern GIG 2. Macrophytes A. Pilke/SYKE 2. Macrophytes Data options: REBECCA or collection from N GIG countries. Clarified in near future. Started with L-N1 (moderate alk., clear water type), this type covers not whole GIG area as IC sites, but probably (almost) all countries participate to this exercise) Indices to be used at first: Wilby, G. Free, Phylib/Stelzer/Schaumburg 12.10.2005
Next steps for lakes (Oct. – Nov. 2005 A. Pilke/SYKE Finalisation of analyses, supported by analysis of REBECCA databases for eutrophication types Updating of the work plan Next meeting Nov 2005 12.10.2005