Witch Hunts And McCarthyism By: Matt McCarthy, Hanna Koseck, Alexis Farrell
Witch Hunt It all started back in 1692. People were accused of being witches, and were sentenced to trail.
Joseph McCarthy Born Joseph Raymond McCarthy in 1908 Grew up in a small town in Wisconsin In 1939 he became a judge in the 10th district Joined Marines in 1942 1944 he ran for a seat in the senate
The House Un-American Activities A committee that investigated people, businesses and organizations. Accusations were based : immoral, communist views, rebellious activities People brought were seen un-american and loss their jobs Most people were Hollywood actors and play writers
McCarthy Hearings The Army became very upset with McCarthy after he called military officers communists He soon lost his job for his crude remarks.
McCarthyism and Witch Hunts Made accusations No evidence Punished if didn’t get the right answer Black-mailed
1692 and 1950 The events in 1692 foreshadowed the events that would later take place in the 1950’s. In both events people were unjustly accused.
International incidents The Holocaust: when Adolf Hitler declared that Jews were the cause of Germany’s poor economy after WWI, concentration camps were set up for all Jews. Many innocent civilians were killed based on being judged by the Nazi’s.
Bibliography http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/article.php?lang=en&ModuleId=10005143 http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/salem/salem.htm http://www.foxvalleyhistory.org/mccarthy/menu.htm http://www.nps.gov/arch/elro/glossaryhvac.htm http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAhunc.htm