Different Linear Relationship Candice St.John Taylor Madden Christopher Dauer
Linear Relationship It’s a steady increase, decrease, or constantly staying the same, usually in a table or a graph.
HEART BEATS PER. MINUTES The heart beats per minutes are being tested by people who are walking. It constantly stays the same.
Hits Per Inning The hits per inning is being tested by baseball players. The batter gets two hits per inning so it increases by two every inning.
MONEY BY THE HOUR The money you get from a hair salon is being tested by the hours you work, in a day. Your money steadily increases throughout the day by $10 per hour.
Variables The Independent Variable is the time [hours] they work in a day. The Dependent Variable is the money earned by the hour.
Money You Make at a Hair Salon $0 1 $10 2 $20 3 $30 4 $40 5 $50 6 $60 7 $70 8 $80 9 $90 10 $100 11 $110 12 $120
Did you connect the coordinates? Yes because you can have half of a dollar and see how much they earn between hours.
Equation M=10n M=money earned in a day n=the number of hours worked in a day