UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Initial results of the UIS/IFLA/ISO pilot survey on library statistics in Latin America and the Caribbean countries Montreal,


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Presentation transcript:

UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Initial results of the UIS/IFLA/ISO pilot survey on library statistics in Latin America and the Caribbean countries Montreal, August 2008 Claude Akpabie Programme Specialist UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Montreal

UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Montreal, CanadaOutline Introduction of UIS role Introduction of UIS role Context and rationale of the pilot survey in the LAC Context and rationale of the pilot survey in the LAC Overview on the survey results Overview on the survey results Preliminary conclusions Preliminary conclusions Prospects: initial thoughts for partners consideration Prospects: initial thoughts for partners consideration

UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Montreal, Canada The mandate of the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) The main United Nations entity responsible for: & Collecting cross-nationally comparable statistics on ALL countries to monitor progress towards international goals in Education, Science and technology, Culture and Communication ; & Developing appropriate methodologies for new indicators and improvement of existing indicators; & Building capacities of countries for data collection, use and analysis through training and advisory services; & Dissemination of cross-national data, indicators and analytical reports to inform international policy development and monitoring.

UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Montreal, Canada Context and rationale of the pilot survey in the LAC Libraries in global policy frameworks as key agents in the knowledge creation, dissemination/sharing/usage and preservation chain and as promoters of information literacy and culture in general: & Public Library Manifesto (1994): public libraries as a living force for education, culture and information, and for building peace and welfare & The School Library Manifesto (1999): school libraries and resource centres as key enablers for education and lifelong learning & UNESCO/IFAP, EFA, UN/MDGs, WSIS goals… Previous initiatives and lessons learnt & More developed countries reflective returns while education and information literacy gaps are rather acute or challenging in the developing world & Coverage issues (missing or unvailable data, incomplete sector coverage, etc) & Comparability issues (national definitions not always ISO compliant) F Leading to weak data quality or policy irrelevant data due mainly to fragmented national statistical infrastructure The choice for LAC countries & An opportunity to test the newly revised ISO 2789 & A hope for an improved developing world status on libraries statistics culture which could trigger a potential resumption of UNESCO World Survey on Libraries

UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Montreal, Canada Overview on the survey results: response rates & Overall response rate of 63% (26 out of 4) countries surveyed (nil response from Bolivia) & Few data on number of higher education institutions libraries (14 countries) compared to public libraries (25 countries) & Data largely unavailable on items such as: e-resources, visits, events, opening hours, full-time-equivalent of employees and libraries expenditure

UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Montreal, Canada Overview on the survey results: response rates (contd)

UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Montreal, Canada Overview on the survey results: response rates (contd)

UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Montreal, Canada Overview on the survey results: major highlights & Except Mexico, small islands countries tend to have relatively higher number libraries per every 100,000 people. Caution: effect of population size and geographical spread of libraries locations??? & Same indicator with potential skilled readership reflect higher potential for users access

UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Montreal, Canada Overview on the survey results: major highlights (contd) & Bahamas, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, and Mexico seem to have higher number of volumes per 1000 inhabitants or adult literates & All libraries in Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela and Antigua and Barbuda offer internet access to users

UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Montreal, Canada Overview on the survey results: major highlights (contd) & No clear (or very disparate) pattern relating the size respondents countries population, their libraries registered users to the level of loans => different or inconsistent national policies ???

UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Montreal, Canada Overview on the survey results: major highlights (contd) & Employability of female seems to be predominant than that of male in a majority of countries in the library sector => is this reflective of a deliberate policy in LAC countries or is library job less attractive salary wise or are basic requirements for recruitment more suitable for women?

UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Montreal, Canada Preliminary conclusions Persistent coverage issues of libraries statistics & Although some countries have clearly stated (e.g. Argentina, Chile, etc) that data are partial, it is still suspected in many cases that data reported are incomplete Methodological issues & Not all countries surveyed seemed to have national statistics compatible with concepts and definitions of the new ISO 2789 Operational issues & Coordinated and exhaustive collection of libraries statistics still remain a challenge for a majority of countries & Still uncertain if adequate national resources are yet devoted to comprehensive library statistics

UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Montreal, Canada Prospects: initial thoughts for partners consideration Key premise & UIS priorities are geared toward making Global Impact in the collection of internationally standardized data in UNESCO areas of competence Are lessons learnt from the LAC pilot survey fully conclusive to allow a global scaling-up? & Very balanced! Food for thoughts as potential ways for forward: we still need to make a case for an international work on libraries statistics & Concentrate on developing capacity-building modules to train national specialists and build sustainable national statistical institutions on libraries & Sample survey of libraries rather than administrative records based survey on few capable countries (major challenge with establishment of viable national sample frames) & Change the focus of international surveys from infostructure to an Information literacy skills assessment of libraries users or adult literates for candidate countries (major challenge: very resource- driven)

UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Montreal, Canada THANK YOU