Image-guided Irreversible Electroporation of Localized Prostate Cancer: Functional and Oncologic Outcomes Following irreversible electroporation (IRE) treatment of prostate cancer, no residual cancer was found in 23 of 28 (82%) of study participants at 6 months after targeted prostate biopsy. Prostate-specific antigen levels decreased from 8.65 ng/mL to 2.35 ng/mL at 12 months (P < .001) following IRE. IRE of the prostate was associated with a leak-free and pad-free continence rate of 96.3% and stable urogenital function at 12 months. Images in a man with prostate cancer before and 1 day after IRE. Preoperative contrast-enhanced US (b) shows focal area of hyperperfusion corresponding to tumor (arrow). Postoperative contrast-enhanced US 1 day after IRE (d) shows large perfusion defect corresponding to ablation zone. Collettini F et al. Published Online: June 4, 2019