Nicholas Salter Faculty Development Day February 21, 2018 A Crash Course on Student Engagement: Practical Tools to Use in the Classroom Nicholas Salter Faculty Development Day February 21, 2018
What is Student Engagement? Not an agreed-upon definition! Passion/excitement Participation/involvement Today’s presentation: Student Engagement Techniques: A Handbook for College Faculty (Elizabeth Barkley)
Fostering Motivation To be engaged, students need to want to learn! It is difficult to force students to learn against their will!
Fostering Motivation Use praise and criticism effectively Promote student autonomy Teaching things worth learning What do you do?
Promoting Active Learning In order to engage students, they should be active participants in their learning, rather than just sitting back and being taught to.
Promoting Active Learning Help students develop learning strategies Activate prior learning Provide opportunities for guided practice and rehearsal What do you do?
Building Community Engagement can be strengthened by building bonds among the students in class.
Building Community Learn students’ names and help students learn each other’s names Use group work effectively Involve all students in discussion Subdivide large classes into smaller groups What do you do?
Ensuring Appropriate Challenge Students will be most engaged if you hit the “peak” challenge level. Not too easy Not too difficult
Ensuring Appropriate Challenge Help students to self-assess Use scaffolding to provide assistance for complex learning Monitor class pacing What do you do?
Promoting Holistic Learning Learning should be more than just cognitive! Cognitive Affective Kinesthetic
Promoting Holistic Learning Include learning activities that involve physical movement Incorporate games Teach so that students use multiple processing modes What do you do?
For more information . . .
For more information . . . Knowledge, Skills, Recall, and Understanding Analysis and Critical Thinking Synthesis and Creative Thinking Problem Solving Application and Performance Attitudes and Values Self-Awareness as Learners Learning and Study Skills