CAFE Steering Group 11 May 2005 WG on Implementation support on implementation and revision of the National Emission Ceilings Directive 2001/81/EC CAFE Steering Group 11 May 2005 Stefan Jacobi Clean Air & Transport Unit DG Environment
TASKS I covered by existing Terms of Reference: …..investigate possibilities to streamline and harmonise reporting required within the air quality frame work directives, its daughter directives and the directive on national emission ceilings; The 6th Environmental Action Programme (Decision 1600/2002/EC) was adopted jointly by the Council and the European Parliament in July 2002. The 6EAP: Obliges the Commission to propose a thematic strategy on air pollution not later than in July 2005. States that the Thematic strategy shouyld be be coherent and take an integrated approach and ensure linkages through to other environmental areas such as climate change. “a thematic strategy to strengthen a coherent and integrated policy on air pollution to cover priorities for further actions, the review and updating where appropriate of air quality standards and national emission ceilings with a view to reach the long term objective of no-exceedence of critical loads and levels and the development of better systems for gathering information, modelling and forecasting” (Art 7 (f) of the 6EAP “Objectives and priority areas for action on environment and health and quality of life”) stipulates that the thematic strategy should achieve levels of air quality that do not give significant negative impact on human health and the environment. This is in line with the Treaty where the objective is to achieve a high degree of environmental protection. However, we do not know exactly how to define “significant” since this is ultimately a political judgement on what is acceptable. requires the Thematic Strategy to be published by July 2005. A critical load is, for a particular ecosystem, a level of pollution below which the ecosystem ought not to be at significant risk of harm. The 6EAP sets an objective of no exceedence of critical loads for acidification and eutrophication. Excess nitrogen inputs to a given ecosystem which are above the critical load may put the ecosystem at risk of eutrophication. This has implications for biodiversity as many plants succeed in nitrogen deficient environments such that if when there is excess nitrogen, plant communities may change in favour of more nitrophillic species.
the guidance to draft has to serve two purposes: TASKS II the guidance to draft has to serve two purposes: Provide the general line to be taken concerning reporting when revising the NECD Consistent with the aim: to support the Commission in establishing provisions to ensure consistent and transparent reporting of ‘National Programmes’ required under the existing provisions (2nd round of reporting by end of 2006) The 6th Environmental Action Programme (Decision 1600/2002/EC) was adopted jointly by the Council and the European Parliament in July 2002. The 6EAP: Obliges the Commission to propose a thematic strategy on air pollution not later than in July 2005. States that the Thematic strategy shouyld be be coherent and take an integrated approach and ensure linkages through to other environmental areas such as climate change. “a thematic strategy to strengthen a coherent and integrated policy on air pollution to cover priorities for further actions, the review and updating where appropriate of air quality standards and national emission ceilings with a view to reach the long term objective of no-exceedence of critical loads and levels and the development of better systems for gathering information, modelling and forecasting” (Art 7 (f) of the 6EAP “Objectives and priority areas for action on environment and health and quality of life”) stipulates that the thematic strategy should achieve levels of air quality that do not give significant negative impact on human health and the environment. This is in line with the Treaty where the objective is to achieve a high degree of environmental protection. However, we do not know exactly how to define “significant” since this is ultimately a political judgement on what is acceptable. requires the Thematic Strategy to be published by July 2005. A critical load is, for a particular ecosystem, a level of pollution below which the ecosystem ought not to be at significant risk of harm. The 6EAP sets an objective of no exceedence of critical loads for acidification and eutrophication. Excess nitrogen inputs to a given ecosystem which are above the critical load may put the ecosystem at risk of eutrophication. This has implications for biodiversity as many plants succeed in nitrogen deficient environments such that if when there is excess nitrogen, plant communities may change in favour of more nitrophillic species.
First meeting soon (preferably in June) Procedure First meeting soon (preferably in June) to start process and distribute work Comprehensive report of ENTEC UK on the implementation of the NECD with the advice of: EEA, JRC, Data Exchange Group WG I to report in draft by end-2005 Prepare final report in 2006