Compton Run Liping Gan June 18, 2004
Goals A few short runs on 0.5% R.L. 9Be target with different beam intensity to study photon flux effect (~2 h). A clean run on 0.5% 9Be target (~20 h) Cross section measurement Energy calibration Short run on 5% R.L. 12C (~1-2 h) Check Z dependence Normalization to the PrimEx physics target Cross check the system error of setup Take single arm data during production run
9Be 0.5% R.L. target, Ne=8.72X1022 e/cm2 Q~107 γ/sec One E-counter, ΔE/E=3X10-3 For Eγ=4 GeV Rate=0.2Hz #event=14400 for 20 hours
12C 5% R.L. target, Ne=6.42X1023 e/cm2 Q~107 γ/sec two E-counter, ΔE/E=6X10-3 For Eγ=4.8 GeV Rate=2.8 Hz #event=10080 for 1 hours
207Pb 5% R.L. target, Ne=7.58X1022 e/cm2 Q~107 γ/sec two E-counter, ΔE/E=6X10-3 For Eγ=4.8 GeV Rate=0.33 Hz #event=1200 for 1 hours
Special requirement for trigger Make coincidence of tagger MOR and two-cluster on Hycal. PS magnet off Open additional E-counters at Eγ: 2GeV, 3GeV, 3.5GeV, in order to increase the Compton events hitting on lead glass part of HYCAL Set HYCAL cluster energy deposition threshold 200 MeV level.