pERK ERK pSTAT1 STAT1 pSTAT3 STAT3 pAKT AKT IL-31 0’ 1’ 10’ 30’ 60’ pERK 1.09 1.16 1.2 1.55 0.7 ERK pSTAT1 1.1 1.31 1 0.8 0.5 STAT1 pSTAT3 1.1 1.32 1.63 0.95 0.42 STAT3 pAKT 0.7 0.7 0.92 1.09 1.2 AKT Supplemental Fig. 3. Purified FL cells were incubated for 0, 1, 10, 30, 60 min with 100 ng/ml hrIL-31 and subjected to Western Blotting for cell signaling. One rapresentative experiment out of the 3 performed is shown. Numbers indicated the ratio between the intensity of the specific bands and that of the housekeeping protein bands, as assessed by densitometry.