ADEN new member orientation Training for new ADEN Members updated: 04/2019 Estimated time: 2 hours
American Dream Employment Network Aden leadership Here we are! Co-Directors American Dream Employment Network Kevin Nickerson & Mary Lynn ReVoir
quick tour of ring central Log in 5-10 minutes early Audio is through your computer or phone Mute/Unmute Video camera Always change YOUR name to agency name followed by your personal name example: ADEN-Mary Lynn Chat box This presentation can be printed as reference or you can take notes. Later show you where to find training materials.
Agenda ADEN Highlights ADEN Member Point of Contact ADEN Training ADEN Site Security Awareness Partnerships
1. Aden highlights
Snapshot of ADEN An innovative solution designed to help individuals receiving SSI or SSDI benefits move forward to long-term financial stability Approved by the Social Security Administration Ticket to Work program A network of agencies across the country providing employment services and supports to individuals who chooses to assign their Ticket to ADEN
ADEN Core philosophy ADEN sparks opportunity for all Americans to build and work in a career of their choice. ADEN values the contributions Americans with disabilities can bring to the workforce and recognizes the strength a business draws from a diverse workforce ADEN brings hope to individuals receiving Social Security disability benefits by sharing our knowledge and information with those who want to work. You need to establish a relationship with those you support before you can expect desired outcomes. How do you achieve this?
National disability institute (NDI) ADEN is a division of National Disability Institute. NDI is a national leader with a mission to improve the economic future for American’s with disabilities. NDI Core Competencies tied to ADEN: Employment , Financial Education and Public Benefits Planning. NDI resources including newsletters and webinars that support the work of ADEN Members. To receive newsletters /notifications of training opportunities NDI holds the contract with Social Security Administration for ADEN
ADEN key stakeholders
5 Core Services are provided by Members to the Participants ADEN CORE Services 5 Core Services are provided by Members to the Participants Career Counseling Individual interests, talents, skills, experience and education influences Prediction of job security & promotes well-being Job Search Supports Workshops to improve job skills, build soft skills to help establish positive working relationships with co-workers and supervisors Crafting quality resumes, interview answers, employment application forms, job leads, strategies to find job openings, arranging job shadows and attendance at job fairs, Long-term ongoing employment support Monthly support to help Participant keep a job or move up career ladder
ADEN CORE Services #4 and #5 4. Social Security Work Incentive Advisement ADEN provides basic training (Core B) to Members on SSA Work Incentives SSA Work Incentive advisement requires specialized training Members required to have someone certified as Work Incentive Practitioner 5. Financial Services / Resources Members connects Participant to informed, credential third party to help Participant build a solid foundation for his/her future Financial planning connects Participant goals with work effort
Provision aden core services THE REASON YOU ARE AN ADEN MEMBER Members (you) provide the Core Services to support employment of Ticket holders You are required to have a Monthly Contact with all assigned Participants You are required to document monthly contacts and what services your provide If no contacts and no documentation = no payments
Checking in….. 1. ADEN is a division of National Disability Institute. True False 2. What is the word that ADEN uses to refer to a beneficiary who assigns his/her Ticket to ADEN? 3. Which stakeholder provides the ADEN Core Services to the Participant? Employer Member ADEN Directors Monthly contact to all Participants who have assigned their Ticket is your choice and is not required. 1. True 2. False
Checking in….. (cont.) 5. Which of the following services are required by ADEN? Ongoing long-term employment services Establishing a LinkedIn account Financial Services/Resources Career Counseling Work Incentive Advisement Job Search Supports
2. Aden Member point of Contact
Who is the Point of Contact (POC) and their role Single “go to” person for ADEN Directors Required to get SSA Security Clearance and complete ADEN New Member Orientation and Core Training Responsible to join or watch the recording of Huddles and Advanced Trainings. Will email names to if more staff who will complete the ADEN Member training and who will have access to the ADEN Site. Receives all referrals of beneficiaries asking about ADEN services in the Member service area. Receives all the emails from ADEN and can route to other staff as desire. Member POC needs to notify ADEN if a change in the POC
3. Aden training
Order of events 1. SSA Clearance All Member staff will not join training until they have SSA clearance (exception is for individuals who will not access the ADEN portal). 2. ADEN Core Training 3. Begin EN Operations 4. Ongoing Training
ADEN core training All new Members must complete consists of 10 hours training Member Orientation - today Core A - 3 hours live training Ticket Basics Ticket Assessment and Assignment Financial Services Employment Services Core B – 2 hours live training (live or recording) SSA Benefits and Work Incentives
core Training continue… Core C – 2 hours live training and exercise Benefits Work Incentives Advisement Overview Documenting Services ADEN Wrap Up Attend the training in alpha order so you can better understand each topic offered in the session.
Ongoing training Monthly Huddle – Members required to attend Typically the first Tuesday of the month, 1 hour in length, recorded Advanced Training – Members required to attend 2 x a year, 2 hours in length, recorded Other Training unique to Members Vocational Rehabilitation Partnership Plus review for Members in states where ADEN has agreement Benefits and Work Incentive Advisement Tools and Procedures
ADEN Office hours Optional but Members reported valuable No set agenda; open discussion Typically the last Tuesday of the month 1 hour in length Topics are either Benefits Work Incentive Advisement or Payments
ADEN Training calendar Training information posted on the Training Calendar Link found in Quick Links Need to be logged into ADEN Site to get the link Training dates are also announced at Huddles Please check calendar first before you email
ADEN core Training: FAQ How is the training offered? Ring Central is used Same log in each time Join from any computer You do not need to logged into ADEN portal to join the training Am I required to attend all the training? ADEN Point of Contact is required to attend all the training and other ADEN Member staff are recommended to join the training depending what role you have.
Member Training Checklist ADEN Directors do not keep track of individual member training. YOU are responsible for tracking your ADEN training. This checklist is for you and you do not need to send to anyone. Member Training Checklist is found in ADEN Resources.
Checking in…………. What are the two types of ADEN Training? Third Year Member Refresher Ongoing Training: Huddle and Advanced Training New Member Core Training Where do you find the dates and time when trainings are scheduled? On the ADEN Training Calendar On the Ticket to Work website On the Social Security blog
Checking in…………. (cont.) How do you join the ADEN trainings? Fly to Washington DC Join via computer using the Ring Central link found in Quick Links Drive to Iowa or New York to meet Mary Lynn or Kevin Who attends the ADEN Orientation and Core Training? Only the Member POC and no one else is allowed to attend The POC is required and others who work on the EN at their agency How do you know when you are done with training? Call Mary Lynn and ask her Look at your Member Training Checklist
If you are not going to use the ADEN Portal, you are done with training.
4. the aDen site
The ADEN Site (website and portal) ADEN Site is the backbone of ADEN operations ADEN Site is secured to protect Participants confidential information per SSA Ticket rules ADEN intellectual property. The secured ADEN Site has two components: ADEN Website Private Side for ADEN Members only ADEN Portal Access to the Site: Before you had SSA clearance, you had limited access (your portal record) With SSA security clearance you granted full access to the entire portal, including other records within your agency.
Quick links Top 9 features you will use in ADEN Site ADEN Portal Guide Print out this guide to get started. All instructions are included Updated frequently; posted in messages Member Resource List Be sure you visit this resource to become familiar with it Look here first when have a question All Core Training is under Training category “Orientation and Core Training”. Print out PowerPoints before you join training once you start Core Training
Let’s look at the site Quick Links review ADEN Portal Guide Member Resource List FAQ Portal
5. Security Awareness training
Protection of Personal identifiable information What is Personal Identifiable Information (PII) PII is defined as any piece of information that can identify a person PII includes Social Security Number, date of birth, name and address, etc. Violating the terms of the security awareness certification can lead to EN contract termination. PII Rule 1: You cannot email a name or SSN of a Participant to anyone. We use an ID # to reference a Participant in an email. This includes screen shots of portal or document. You can share a name on the phone. PII Rule 2: All documents with PII will be kept in ADEN Portal and no hard copies maintained at local office. PII Rule 3: Written PII can be posted to the ADEN portal, as it is a secure platform.
Sharing pii Access to the ADEN Portal Point of Contact and other Member staff once get SSA security clearance will have access. (Recommend two get clearance but limited to 5) Access to SSA Ticket Portal only by the ADEN Directors, who have additional security Contact with federal SSA office will only be conducted by ADEN Directors Contact with local SSA offices can be done by ADEN Members Other security measures: PII on your computer screen cannot be viewed by others who are not part of ADEN Lock computer with password PII can not be left unattended at desk, in car, etc.
Required Security awareness training SSA requires all Member staff accessing the ADEN Portal to receive this training about security and agree to the terms listed on the SSA 222 form The training covers following information: Keeping information confidential and safeguarding information Agreeing not to share or disclose confidential information If questions direct to the ADEN Contracting Security Officer Kevin Nickerson Renewal of this training and signing the form is required every December Regardless of the date you signed prior to December. When instructed by ADEN Directors in late calendar year, you will review and sign the SSA 222 form and upload it to your portal record and email Kevin. Failure to sign the renewal 222 form will result in you not having access to the ADEN Portal
Checking in…… True or False: All ADEN Members accessing the portal must sign and attach the SSA 222 form to your portal record. 2. True or False: Once you sign the SSA 222 form you never sign another SSA 222 form again. 3. Which of the following are you allowed to do: Call Kevin or Mary Lynn and state the name of Participant. Send an email to local SSA office that has the name of ADEN Participant. Send an email to Kevin or Mary Lynn that has the name or Social Security number of ADEN Participant. Send an email to Kevin or Mary Lynn that has an assigned ID # of ADEN Participant.
6. Partnerships
Aden’s view of Partnerships The strength of partnerships provide greater opportunity for systematic delivery of excellence Sole purpose is the benefit of our customer – the ADEN Participant We all share common goal: Ticket to Work: “Employment support for the Beneficiary to increase self- sufficiency and reduce dependency on benefits” ADEN’s goal: “Building a better economic future for Americans with disabilities” Your Agency Mission As an ADEN Member, you will likely work with numerous partners as you support Participants in achieving their employment goals
ADEN various Partners Partners include: State VR agencies Employers who want to hire qualified candidates with a disability Financial Services providers Other valued parties with a relationship strengthen ADEN services Partners are invited to present on Huddles; you can learn more from past Huddle recordings posted on the ADEN Site
Who are ADEN Employer Partners Employers who want to hire qualified candidates who have a disability. They can choose to sign an agreement with ADEN. Some companies represent a group of employers who want to recruit candidates with a disability. Employer partners are listed on the ADEN Website under “I’m An Employer” Job Openings from Employer Partners posted on ADEN Job Board Members should share leads with qualified Participants Members can refer employers to ADEN Directors for possibility of signing MOA Updates from employer partners are shared at Huddles.
Trends hiring qualified candidates with a disability Employers are recognizing a diverse workforce can be a strength Section 503 of Rehab Act “….. prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of disability by Federal government contractors and subcontractors. Section 503 also requires that covered contractors take affirmative action to employ and advance in employment qualified individuals with disabilities.” If the federal government contract is > $50,000 and the contractor has 50+ employees, they are required to have evidence of efforts to recruit candidates with disabilities.
State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) can be a partner When a beneficiary is served by VR, a case is opened, and his/her Ticket is considered “in USE” with VR and cannot be assigned to EN Typically VR closes the case after 90 days of employment After the VR case is closed, the individual can (and should) assign his/her Ticket with an EN (this is referred to as Partnership Plus) If a Ticket holder is on the VR waiting list, he/she can assign their Ticket to ADEN while waiting for VR services to become available. When the Ticket holder comes to top of VR waiting list and is offered services and accepts VR services, the Ticket will be unassigned by ADEN, and placed “in use” by VR It is not required for individual to get VR services; beneficiary have choice to assign Ticket to EN and never use VR or use both.
VR VENDOR and ticket to work Some ADEN Members are VR Vendors for employment services If you are a VR Vendor you can provide services to a VR client under the VR Vendor agreement, while the case is open with VR. During this time the Ticket is “in use” with VR. Once VR Case is closed you can continue to provide services, if you choose, and “assign the Ticket” to your EN
Partnership plus logistics ADEN Administration will pursue a Partnership Plus agreement with all states in which ADEN Member is located The Partnership Plus agreements are NDI/ADEN not the Member ADEN Administration is responsible to negotiate and establish the agreement Once PP Agreement is in place, ADEN Directors will inform Members from the respective state and review the agreement ADEN Members will help implement Partnership Plus agreement
Current ADEN Partnership Plus agreements ADEN Directors will provide training to the Members from the respective state Florida VR Iowa VR Wisconsin VR Georgia VR Connecticut VR Virginia VR Maryland VR Idaho VR Training for Members in the states where PP agreement will be held after you done with training
Checking in…. Which of the following were mentioned as examples of an ADEN “Partner”: State Vocational Rehabilitation. An employer who wants to recruit qualified candidates with a disability. An agency who is providing ADEN core services. “Partnership Plus” means the EN has a partnership with an employer. True False A beneficiary is required to receive services from state VR.
Checking in…. (cont.) While someone receives services from state VR, they can receive services from an ADEN Member under a VR Vendor contract but the Ticket remains in use with VR and ADEN cannot assign the Ticket. True False If someone received services from state VR, they can never receive services from an EN.
Next steps Attend the ADEN Core Training A, B, C Review dates (on the email you received) When done with training, launch your EN operation. POC: mark your calendar for the upcoming Huddles and join each month Follow the terms of the Professional Services Agreement
ADEN Co-Directors Contact US Mary Lynn ReVoir Kevin Nickerson 202.765.2373 202.798.1691