T-CTLs are CD8+ TEMRA cells that can be expanded by IL-15 and IL-2 through selective proliferation and can be induced by LCs. T-CTLs are CD8+ TEMRA cells that can be expanded by IL-15 and IL-2 through selective proliferation and can be induced by LCs. (A) PBMCs from healthy donors were treated with IL-15 (n = 13), IL-2 (n = 9), or anti-CD3 plus anti-CD28 (n = 8) for 5 days and compared with medium treatment. (B) PBMCs were labeled with CFSE and treated with medium, IL-15, or αCD3 stimulation for 5 days. Proliferation of T-CTL and M-CTL populations was compared by CFSE dilution; one representative experiment is shown above, and average proliferation is shown below (n = 3). (C) One example shows that the T-CTL compartment was examined and found to consist primarily of CCR7−, CD45RA+ (TEMRA) cells. (D) The T-CTL subset was examined for memory markers (n = 5). (E) Naïve CD8+ T cells were cocultured with allogeneic dermal CD14+ DCs or LCs isolated from human skin. CTL subset formation was interrogated after 7 days of culture. One representative experiment is shown. (F) Composite bar graph demonstrating the significantly greater ability of LCs versus DCs to induce T-CTLs (LCs, n = 9; DCs, n = 6). *P < 0.05, ***P < 0.001. Samuel J. Balin et al. Sci. Immunol. 2018;3:eaat7668 Copyright © 2018 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works