Agreement Procedures Committee (APC) Update Bill Kron, Chair Annual IFTA Business Meeting Toronto, Ontario Canada July 20-21, 2010
APC Membership Northeast Region Carolyn Evanston (IN) Kimberly Knox-Lawrence (ME) Southeast Region Donna Alderman (NC) Pamela Marshall (KY) Midwest Region Joy Prenger (MO) Trina Kluever-Pauli (WI) West Region Manuel Lagunas (AZ) Cindy Arnold (NV), Canadian Region Ghyslaine Lepage (QC), Vacancy At-Large Deborah Pollizi (OK) Board Liaisons Scott Greenawalt, (OK) Ron Hester, (ON) Doug Shepherd (CA) IFTA, Inc. Advisors Debbie Meise, IFTA, Inc., Tammy Trinker, IFTA, Inc. Ex Officio Hugh Hughson, (BC)
Vacancies: 1 - Canadian Region APC Membership Vacancies: 1 - Canadian Region
APC Projects Subcommittee working on the Annual Report Database Reviewed the 2010 Ballots Preparation under way for the Managers’ & Law Enforcement Workshop Exemption Database is now ready for population on the IFTA, Inc. website
REVISIONS FOLLOWING THE FIRST COMMENT PERIOD .010 Number of cancellations and suspensions/revocations was added back to this ballot with the addition of /closed.
FTPBP 1-2010 *P1110 ANNUAL REPORTING .300 Required Information Content of the annual report to member jurisdictions shall include: .005 Number of total IFTA accounts (this includes active accounts and accounts that were suspended, revoked or canceled during the year), which shall consist of all licensees that are issued an IFTA license and decals for a licensing year excluding licensees who were issued credentials in error and returned those credentials to the base jurisdiction; .010 Number of cancellations/closed and suspensions/revocations; .015 Number of audits; .020 Number of audits with assessment; .025 Number of new licensees which shall consist of all new accounts licensed, but does not include licensees renewed or reinstated, for the registration year being reported or previously registered in another member jurisdiction; and .030 Unusual activities within a member jurisdiction that could affect an audit. .035 Number of sets of decals issued; .040 Price per set of decals; and .045 Application fee amounts, including license fees, reinstatement