The Transformation of Recycling and Consumer Markets…. in Five Years…. Jack Buffington June 23, 2016
But first, what’s broken…
What’s Broken….Recycling Facts U.S. Sweden Mexico Total Waste 222.9 mm tons (.7 ton/capita) 4.5mm tons (.46 ton/capita) 36.7mm tons (.3 ton/capita) Waste Management Approach 54.3% landfilled 13.6% incinerated 23.8% recycled 8.3% composted 0-1.4% landfilled 49.4% incinerated 35.4% recycled 13.8% composted 96.7% landfilled 3.3% recycled Recycling Rates Aluminum 55-67% Glass 15-30% PET 12-15% Regulations in 10 states Aluminum 68.1% Glass 92.1% PET 26% National Regulations Aluminum 95% Glass 55% Some Regulations Other Largest consumer market Plenty of landfill space National supply chain “Happy Cup Fallacy” recycling “Lagom” consumer market “Zero Waste” nation “Recycling in our blood” Growing consumer markets Commodity based recycling
What’s Broken…. This is a false choice… Or Growth Through Waste Markets grow through disposable goods. Packaging waste is big business ($170 billion) U.S. market. Environmental solutions cost too much. Landfilling is cheap; let people choose to recycle or not. Or Sustainability Through Impacting Growth Finite natural resources means consumer growth must slow/stop. Eliminate waste AND growth. World cannot sustain everyone living at a higher level. Regulate/mandate consumption to save the environment. This is a false choice…
What’s Broken….the Supply Chain 2) Consumer Markets 1) Non-Renewable Resources 4) Growth Through Waste 3) Limited Closed Loop Loss of Value to Environment and Economy……
Now, the Transformation…..
Bottle to Bottle Recycling in Five Years… 1) PET Waste 2) Efficient Deconstruction 3) Original Feedstocks (MEG, TPA, etc.) 4) PET plastic bottle 100% reuse and no plastic waste to environment……
Longer Term – Organic Circular Supply Chain 1) Bio-Materials 2) Natural Construction Reuse 5) (Organic) Waste Back to Environment 4) Natural De-Construction 3) Consumer Markets Additive Value to Environment and Economy……
So, what’s your future?
Thanks/Ta Sa Mycket… (How to Connect..) Jack Buffington, Ph.D. @jbuffi1 (Twitter) Book: “The Recycling Myth: Disruptive Innovation to Improve the Environment”