LABOUR INSPECTION IN SINGAPORE A Great Workforce A Great Workplace LABOUR INSPECTION IN SINGAPORE Mr Tan Fang Qun Assistant Director (Ops Planning)/Head(International Collaboration),OSH Division 13 October 2010 ASEAN Labour Inspection Conference Ha Long, Vietnam
PRESENTATION OUTLINE Singapore Ministry of Manpower (MOM) Key Labour Legislations Labour Inspection Framework Labour Inspection Strategies: Employment Standards Workplace Safety & Health Conclusion
A Great Workplace, A Great Workforce I. Singapore Ministry of Manpower Vision A Great Workplace, A Great Workforce Mission To achieve a globally competitive workforce and great workplace, for a cohesive society and a secure economic future
I. Singapore Ministry of Manpower Strategic Outcomes: A Globally Competitive Workforce Financial Security and Lifelong Employability for Singaporeans Progressive Workplaces Safe and Healthy Workplaces Good Employment Standards Progressive HR Practices Harmonious Industrial Relations
Workplace Safety and Health Act II. Key Labour Legislations Stipulates basic employment benefits, terms and conditions e.g. timely payment of salaries, hours of work Employment Act A performance based WSH regulatory framework Focus on Risk Management High penalties for deterrence Workplace Safety and Health Act
Workplace Safety & Health Employment Standards Workplace Safety & Health III. Labour Inspection Framework Inspection units divided into Functional Areas to effectively address the unique issues Employment Standards: Labour Relations & Workplaces Division (Standards Compliance) Workplace Safety & Health: Occupational Safety & Health Division Pro-active inspection approach Intelligence / Accidents Planning / Investigations Enforcement / Licensing Monitoring & Surveillance Coordination between inspection units to enhance effectiveness Intelligence sharing Joint operations
IV. Labour Inspections – Employment Standards Four-Pronged strategy to achieve good employment standards and practices Engage (Network & rapport) Educate (Awareness) Enable Enforce Regular dialogues with the industry to discuss and receive feed back on employment issues. Promote good employment practices to employers and raise awareness among employees. Partnership with external agencies to enhance workers’ skills sets, productivity and job image to improve working environment. Initiate enforcement / prosecution actions against violation of Employment Act provisions
IV. Labour Inspections - Employment Standards Ensuring Compliance with Employment Laws - Targeted Approach Improving employment standards through regular inspections in targeted industries with high incidences of vulnerable workers. Cleaning Security Food & Beverage Landscape
IV. Labour Inspections – Employment Standards Ensuring Compliance with Employment Laws Sectoral Approach Employment standards Workplace Safety and Health Rectifications or punitive actions and monitor compliance Inspections to ensure compliance of employment laws Raise awareness of stakeholders (including employees) on employment laws Identify the common malpractices Understand the business model of each targeted industry through engagement
IV. Labour Inspections - Employment Standards Ensuring Compliance with Employment Laws - Other Industries Triggers from complaints by member of public and referrals from external agencies. Monthly pro-active inspections (non-industry specific) to ensure compliance of employment laws.
IV. Labour Inspections - Employment Standards - Sectoral Approach – Security Sector Regular dialogues and forums. Briefings sessions and forums to educate on employment laws and regulatory requirements attended by trade associations and union. Information booklet on employment laws customised for security officers. Targeted Enforcement. Targeted enforcement was conducted on this sector on employment standards.
IV. Labour Inspections - Employment Standards - Sectoral Approach – Security Sector Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) for Security Sector. Skills standards introduced in 2006. All security officers are required to undergo training and pass two mandatory modules. Security officer Identification Card introduced in 2009. Improve image, public confidence and professionalism. Job Redesign. Some security guard agencies came on board the “Advantage – Security Job Redesign” programme to enhance productivity through adoption of technology. Mandatory Grading of Security Guard Agencies (SGA). Promote security awareness amongst buyers. Motivate SGAs to improve their professional standards.
IV. Labour Inspections - Employment Standards - Sectoral Approach – Security Sector Some Results: Greater compliance of employment laws. Fewer employment disputes and claims observed. Improved working conditions for security officers. More Professionalised. Better skilled, better image. More females officers are joining the industry. The improved working conditions have attracted more females into this industry. Improved salaries. Higher salaries for security officers with higher skills qualifications.
IV. Labour Inspections - Raising Workplace Safety & Health Standards Strategies, Programmes and Interventions Triggers Programme Interventions Industry-wide Accident trends Programme Based Engagement (ProBE) “Targeting where it matters” Ground observations on new / emerging issues Cluster Operations (COPS) Issues of immediate concern Exercise SWIFT “Prompt & rapid response” Fatal / Serious accidents Accident Investigations “Uncovering accident causes” Company –specific Poor performing companies Business-under-surveillance (BUS) Complaints from public and workers Complaints Investigations “Leveraging on the eyes and ears on the ground”
– Workplace Safety and Health Standards IV. Labour Inspections – Workplace Safety and Health Standards Programme –Based Engagement (ProBE) 5 Key Phases 1. Identify key areas of concern at start of year (e.g. Falling from heights) 2. Inform and prepare the industry with dialogue sessions, checklist before inspections 5. Communicate with industry on the findings for ProBE 4. Monitor the performance of companies 3. WSH Inspectors will carry out inspection on area of concern
Workplace Safety and Health Standards IV. Labour Inspections Workplace Safety and Health Standards Cluster Operations (COPS) Phase 1 Intel and Planning Phase 2 Engagement and Operations Phase 3 Debrief and Sharing Focus on specific geographical region or issue over a specific timeframe Based on issues that arise over the course of the year Leverage on media to increase reach Poor performers are highlighted Create greater awareness to ensure continued vigilance
- Workplace Safety and Health Standards IV. Labour Inspections - Workplace Safety and Health Standards Exercise Swift Enforcement response tool for critical situations Spats of Accidents Critical risk that was previously unknown Enforcement presence is felt on the ground Intensive and extensive enforcement exercise on the issue
- Workplace Safety and Health Standards IV. Labour Inspections - Workplace Safety and Health Standards Accident Investigations Detailed investigation conducted for serious accidents to determine the root cause Identify corrective actions (at company and industry level) to prevent future accidents Serious WSH Act violations will result in prosecution including individuals
- Workplace Safety and Health Standards IV. Labour Inspections - Workplace Safety and Health Standards Business-under-Surveillance (BUS) Close monitoring of companies with poor WSH performance Regular visits from OSHI inspectors Progress updates on WSH action plans Stiff enforcement actions are used to secure: Strong management commitment Ownership of WSH outcomes Marked improvement in WSH standards Company must be able to manage WSH satisfactorily before exiting from programme
- Workplace Safety and Health Standards IV. Labour Inspections - Workplace Safety and Health Standards Complaints Investigation Complaints received from various sources – e.g. Safety hotline, email All complaints are attended to WSH conditions that result in imminent danger are investigated immediately In less severe cases, companies are required to show documentary proof of implemented measures Ensures continued vigilance on WSH issues
- Workplace Safety and Health Standards IV. Labour Inspections - Workplace Safety and Health Standards Results 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 6.0 Number of workplace Fatalities Actual Fatality rate Target Workplace Fatalities, 2004 - 2009 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2018 No. of workplace fatalities 83 71 62 63 67 70 (<50) Fatality rate (Target) 4.9 (≤5.0) 4.0 (≤4.6) 3.1 (≤4.0) 2.9 (≤3.1) 2.8 (≤2.8) (≤2.7) (≤1.8)
V. Conclusions Aspects of labour inspection strategy: Holistic approach - Engage, Educate, Enable, Enforce Proactive and targeting where it matters Strong inter-agency collaborations and tripartite co-operation