F REST PEST F1RST DETECTOR TRAINING Free and open to the public! Thursday, February 26th, 2015 from Noon-4:30 St. Lawrence County Cooperative Extension Learning Farm. Joanna Fisher, a PhD student at Cornell University in the department of Entomology, will be giving interactive First Detector training sessions on emerald ash borer (EAB), hemlock wooly adelgid (HWA) and Asian longhorned beetle (ALB). At this training session you will learn how to detect and identify these destructive invasive pests. We will also discuss EAB, HWA and ALB biology and management, and talk about how you can get involved in your community to slow the spread of these invasive species. Hosted by Cornell Cooperative Extension and the SLELO PRISM For more information contact Shelby Alavekios, SLELO PRISM Education and Outreach Coordinator at (315)387-3600