The Korean War “The Forgotten War” 1950-1953
Pre Korea WWII ends in August 1945 The most of Europe and Asia is trying to recover from the death and destruction. The perfect opportunity for communism to spread its helping hands.
Democracy to the Rescue Containment: United States policy to prevent the spread of communism abroad. A component of the Cold War, this policy was a response to a series of moves by the Soviet Union to enlarge communist influence. Truman Doctrine: In a speech given in 1947, President Truman announces that he will help support Greece and Turkey from falling into the Communist Sphere. Marshall Plan (June 1947): US Secretary Of State John Marshall’s plan to help struggling countries in Europe. 13 billion dollars in aid to countries who promised not to turn to communism.
China Falls 1949 Led by Mao Zedong, with help from the Soviet Union, the People’s Republic of China is set up Communist’s gain 1/5 of the world’s population. Who is next to fall?
Korea Korea used to be its own country and culture. Japan invaded and took control of the country in 1904 thanks to the Japan-Korea Treaty. When Japan surrendered in WWII in 1945 the US and Soviet Union decided to divide Korea in half at the 38th parallel and temporarily occupy the once single country at an event Known as the Moscow Accords
North Korea North Korea = Communist Capital City: Pyongyang Led by Kim Il Sung Ally: Soviet Union
South Korea South Korea: Dictatorship (non communist) Capital City: Seoul Leader: Syngman Rhee Ally: United States
North Korea Attacks Both leaders wanted control of the entire country. Kim Il Sung Attacks the South in 1950 and takes most of the Country. South Korea calls for aid from the UN. When it came down to vote for action in Korea the Soviets Boycotted the meeting because of the nationalist Taiwan was being acknowledged as the true Chinese gov. excluding the PRC. With no Soviet Representation there was no chance for a veto in the Security Council. UN army led by President Truman and Gen. Douglas MacArthur 36 countries, 520,000 troops, 90% of them US troops. S. Korea added 590,000 more troops.
Battle at Pusan The UN troops arrive in July of 1950 UN and S. Korean troops cannot stop the N. Korean troops right away. In August of 1950 Gen. MacArthur finally stops the North Koreans next to the port city of Pusan on the Pusan Perimeter. If the UN didn’t stop the North Koreans here the war would have been over.
Battle of Inchon UN troops successfully surprise attack the North Korean troops with an amphibious landing on the Inchon coast behind enemy lines September 1950. Heavy artillery, tanks, boats, and fresh troops. UN troops captured the North and South rails and cut off North Korean food and supply while they were still in the south at Pusan. Being Squeezed in from North at Inchon and south at Pusan the North Korean army was forced to retreat back passed the 38th parallel. UN troops push the communists all the way up to the Yalu River.
China Crashes the Party Chinese did not want to share a border with a non-communist Korea. They wanted the North to stay red. China sends and additional 300,000 troops to help the North Koreans take back control Gen. MacArthur knows that this is a new war and asks for the use of nuclear weapons on Chinese cities, But Truman denies his request. Chinese and N. Korean forces push the UN army back below the 38th parallel and the War reaches a stalemate.
MacArthur goes Mad Gen. MacArthur still wants to take all of Korea and bring the war to China. He goes over the President’s head and begins to talk to Republican leaders about using nuclear weapons and fighting China. April, 11th 1951 President Truman fires Gen. Douglas MacArthur. American public was shocked and many disagreed with the president’s decision. 69% of the US backed MacArthur In New York at his farewell ceremony, he told the members of congress and the world "old soldiers never die; they just fade away." In 1952 Dwight D. Eisenhower wins the presidential election.
Tie In 1953 both sides sign an armistice to stop fighting. The armistice lasted the entire cold war but a peace treaty was never negotiated Korea remained two separate countries. 67 billion dollars and nearly 55,000 dead for the UN.
South Korea After the Korean War, South Korea slowly rebuilds its economy. By the mid 1960s the economy leapt far ahead. With a strong push from the middle class and student protests, they were able to push out the dictators and military rulers to transition in a democratic state.
North Korea To this day N. Korea is still communist. Kim Il Sung’s theory of self reliance kept their economy from growing and kept their people poor. Sung created a personality cult and was glorified as a great leader His son and grandson have done the same.
What you Learned Write 2-3 paragraphs on what you learned about and why this war is an important event in History. Was Communism contained successfully?