DAY-NRLM Performance Review Committee 6th June 2019
DAY-NRLM Presentation flow Journey so far Building Community Organizations for Community led Action Enabling access to financial services Increased focus on livelihoods DAY-NRLM – India @ 2022 Systems- Finance, MIS and HR National Rural Economic Transformation Project
DAY NRLM Empowering Community Journey so far….. Building community support 622 Districts, 5246 Blocks 5.92 cr women mobilized into 52 lakh SHGs Capitalization support of Rs 6883 Crores 2.31 lakh CRPs Access to financial services 2.24 lakh cr bank loan mobilized since 2013-14 1.4 crore members insured 5.7 lakh SHGs provided financial counselling 3972 SHG members as BC Sakhi members Skill Upgradation DDUGKY; 8.15 lakh trained , 5 lakh placed RSETIS; 21.1 lakh trained , 15.7 settled Economic Enterprise MKSP; 36 Lakh women kisans SVEP; 50771 enterprises 131 Producer Enterprises, 86000 PGs AGEY; 714 Vehicles DAY NRLM Empowering Community
DAY-NRLM Capitalization Gap Undrawn amount Rs 60,000 crore
Augmenting Livelihoods Basket Farm and Non- farm Clusters DAY-NRLM From Consumption to Productivity Augmenting Livelihoods Basket Farm and Non- farm Clusters Non-Farm Enterprises Value Chains Fresh Bank Loans and utilizing undrawn bank loans Adequate provisioning of CIF Unutilized funds in the CBOs Enterprise Financing Captive government business
Building Community Organizations for Community led Action DAY-NRLM Building Community Organizations for Community led Action
DAY-NRLM Promotion of SHGs (Ach. vs Target – FY 18-19) Bihar, Punjab, Gujarat to expedite SHG promotion Action Points – FY 19-20 No. of SHGs promoted – 8.1 lakh No. of HHs mobilized into SHGs – 94 lakh
DAY-NRLM Disbursal of CIF (% of total SHGs provided CIF) CIF- Rs. 4474 crores provided to 9.1 lakh SHGs (Mar’19) CIF to be provided to at least 50% of SHGs All States to expedite implementation National Avg. – 28% Action Points – FY 19-20 No. of SHGs provided CIF – 4.6 lakh Amt. of CIF provided to SHGs – Rs. 2776 crore
Entitlements Saturation Organic linkage with GPs DAY-NRLM Community Organizations - India @ 75 SHG members to participate in GP meetings Training of CRPs (@ 2 per GP) on VPRP/ GPDP Training to all VO SACs - FNHW issues Create awareness Mapping of entitlements of all SHG members Facilitation through CLFs 75 lakh SHGs 50% members from vulnerable groups Institutional mechanism for addressing Gender issues in 1000 CLFs 8 crore women mobilized Entitlements Saturation Organic linkage with GPs Intensive BCC
Enabling access to financial services DAY-NRLM Enabling access to financial services
DAY-NRLM Access to Bank credit No. of SHGs accessed bank credit (in lakh) Amt. of bank credit disbursed (in crore) NPA has declined from 7% to 2.2% *Data sourced directly from Core Banking System
% of SHGs credit linked (National average: 100%) DAY-NRLM Access to Bank credit (FY 18-19) Avg. loan disbursed per SHG (in Rs. lakh) (National average: Rs. 1.94 lakh) % of SHGs credit linked (National average: 100%) Action Points – FY 19-20 Credit linkage of SHGs – 70% SHGs 40% branches with more than Rs 1 Cr+ SHG portfolio Average NPA less than 3%
< 70% SHGs accessed credit <50% SHGs accessed credit DAY-NRLM Access to Bank credit - Issues < 70% SHGs accessed credit Assam Haryana Himachal Pradesh Kerala Manipur Uttarakhand Uttar Pradesh <50% SHGs accessed credit Arunachal Pradesh Gujarat Madhya Pradesh Tamil Nadu < Rs. 70,000 / SHGs Jharkhand Meghalaya Punjab Tripura
Increase in no. of transactions critical DAY-NRLM Promote SHG Members as BC Sakhi States with Digital Finance interventions – 13, GPs covered – 3974 against the target of 5000 GPs 125 Increase in no. of transactions critical Action Points – FY 19-20 25000 BC Sakhi to be trained and certified 20000 SHGs to be onboarded on the BC platform
DAY-NRLM Insurance Develop safety net and insure all eligible members AP, BR, KL, MP, OD, RJ , TS & WB implementing insurance intervention at scale Focus Areas GP level service delivery points for community: 3-4 Bima Mitra to be placed at sub block level Establish system to facilitate enrollment & Claim Settlement Notify SRLM as “Nodal Agency” for life & accidental insurance to SHG Members 7 States AP, BR, CG, KL, OD, RAJ and TS nominated as “nodal agencies” Action Points – FY 19-20 No. of SHGs members insured (life & accidental) – 1 crore SHGs members
DAY-NRLM Financial Literacy All SHGs accessing bank loans to be trained on Financial literacy 5.7 lakh SHGs trained – cadre of 14500 FL CRPs deployed Focus Areas Ensure distribution of training kits to all FL-CRPs through RSETIs Plan for Village Level FL Camps in coordination with FLCC in respective districts Action Points – FY 19-20 No. of SHGs provided FL training – 6 lakh SHGs No. of training tool kits distributed to FL CRPs – 8000 No. of FL-CRPs trained
Securing lives & livelihoods of SHG members DAY-NRLM Access to financial services – India @ 75 Positioning a cadre of FL-CRPs in all intensive blocks Financial literacy to 30 lakh SHGs Coverage of 4 crore SHG members under life & accidental insurance Create Women Managed Banking Outlets in 1.25 Lakh GPs 50% SHG members adopt digital transaction All eligible SHGs to have bank linkage Enable access of Rs 70000 bank loan per member Leverage Rs 2 Lakh Cr bank loan by SHGs Access to credit Digital Transaction Financial Literacy Securing lives & livelihoods of SHG members
Increased focus on livelihoods DAY-NRLM Increased focus on livelihoods
Diversify Livelihoods Basket for risk mitigation DAY-NRLM Increased focus on livelihoods - Strategy Farm Non Farm Skill Based Farm Non Farm Skill Based DDUGKY RSETI Individual & Group based enterprises Promotion of Non-farm clusters Aajeevika Grameen Express Yojana (AGEY) Agro Ecological Practices Value chain interventions Livestock interventions NTFP interventions Convergence Diversify Livelihoods Basket for risk mitigation
DAY-NRLM Mahila Kisan Coverage (%age) under SRLM – AAP in 2018-19 Target FY 18-19 : 24.7 lakh mahila kisans Average achievement : 93% Cumulatively, 63.4 lakh mahila kisans supported (MKSP+ State AAPs) Major States like TN, WB, RJ, JK and TS required to expedite implementation Action Points – FY 19-20 No. of mahila kisan to be supported: 33.6 lakh
Value Chain Development DAY-NRLM Achievements – Value Chain, Organic farming Value Chain Development Organic Farming National Average: 49% Project Target : 2.54 lakh mahila kisans by 2020-21 1.24 lakh women farmers mobilized into PEs PEs are to be incorporated timely (RJ, MP, UP) Target no. of producers are to be mobilised into the Producers Enterprise as per the timeline. States to onboard Regional Councils at the earliest. (JH, MP, KL, TN, TS have completed the activity) Expedite formation and registration of Local Groups (LG) in PGS portal. Dedicated HR to be placed at block and cluster level FY 19- 20 Targets: 2400 villages covered, 5500 LGs registered , 90000 farmers practicing organic farming
DAY-NRLM Non-farm livelihoods - SVEP National Avg. 79% Launched in 2015-16 - Implemented in 23 States, 135 Districts and 153 Blocks Avg. Loan Size under enterprises is Rs 32,000 Action Points – FY 19-20 No. of enterprises to be supported : 69296. DPRs approved for supporting 1.78 lakh enterprises by FY 20-21
DAY-NRLM Non-farm livelihoods - SVEP National Avg. 79% Action Points – FY 19-20 No. of enterprises to be supported : 69296. DPRs approved for supporting 1.78 lakh enterprises by FY 20-21 Launched in 2015-16 – 23 States, 135 Districts and 153 Blocks Avg. Loan Size under enterprises is Rs 32,000
Scaling farm livelihoods Convergence with MGNREGA DAY-NRLM Farm livelihoods –India @ 75 Scaling farm livelihoods Agro-ecological practices (including livestock and NTFP) – 50 lakh mahila kisans Agro-nutri garden for nutrition security – 30 lakh mahila kisans Convergence with MGNREGA Individual productive assets -30 lakh mahila kisans Community assets - 3.20 lakh mahila kisans households Value Chains Formalization of business/ producer enterprises 50 PEs promoted - 3.5 lakh mahila kisans covered 1000 medium sized FPOs promoted – 1 lakh mahila kisans
Support entrepreneurs across entire spectrum – Leveraging NRETP DAY-NRLM Non-Farm livelihoods –India @ 75 Support entrepreneurs across entire spectrum – Leveraging NRETP SVEP - 120,000 nano enterprises (turnover - up to Rs 6 lakhs) NRETP - 52,500 growth nano enterprises (turnover of 6-12 lakhs) Rural Incubators - 2,000 enterprises (annual turnover > 12 Lakhs) Non-farm clusters Clusters around tourism, handlooms & handicrafts, agri-processing, uniform stitching etc. 40 clusters to be promoted under NRETP and 35 under DAY-NRLM Support Product Development, Packaging and Marketing by involving Government and Private sector agencies
DAY-NRLM Governance Reforms – India @ 75 Self-reliant and sustainable community institutions following all statutory compliances (Leadership rotation, Audit, AGM) 100% of CLFs adopt transaction based accounting system All community funds released by Mission Units to CBOs to be digital
DAY-NRLM DAY-NRLM –India @ 2022 Development of sustainable institutions of rural poor Access to a bouquet of financial services to all SHG members Scaling of market oriented farm and non-farm interventions Focus on development of farm and non-farm clusters Intensive engagement with PRIs Convergence with other schemes
Systems- Finance, MIS and HR DAY-NRLM Systems- Finance, MIS and HR
DAY-NRLM Allocation and Releases *B.E. ** As on 31st May
DAY-NRLM Systems – Improving Transparency and Accountability Uploading of profiles of SHGs/ VOs/ CLFs/ Mahila Kisans etc. on MIS to be streamlined 2019-20 all transactions to be on PFMS. Progress of PFMS implementation is slow in many states. SRLMs to implement PFMS at all Mission levels by 30th June 2019. Further releases of funds will be incumbent on this condition. Proposals for 1st instalment 2019-20 not received from GA, D&D, DN, LD, MN and SK. Proposals from GJ, HP, MP, TS are under process Audit Reports awaited NRLM audit report 2017-18 awaited from GA, MN, DN and D&D NRLP audit report for the period 01/04/2018 to 30/06/2018 awaited from KA, MP, MH and KL (NRO) PFMS Levels
DAY-NRLM Capacity Building of SRLMs 32,000+ staff are supporting the mission implementation Vacancies at all Mission levels, particularly in farm and non-farm verticals, to be filled urgently (NRLM/NRETP) Skillsets required to drive the new generation activities under NRETP may not be available within the existing staff - Necessary recruitments should be done at the earliest Frequent transfers of SMDs is the major concern High attrition among the professional staff due to lack of HR hygiene factors
Scaling higher order economic interventions DAY-NRLM National Rural Economic Transformation Project (NRETP) Scaling higher order economic interventions 600 CLFs 40 PEs & 12000 PGs 47250 Individual and 5250 Group Enterprises 40 clusters @ 150 members/ cluster 5000 BC Sakhi 24 lakh members insured To be implemented in 13 States and about 140 districts Project Outlay : USD 500 million Project Duration till June 2023 Technically qualified Human Resource required to drive the specialized activities
Thank You!
Status of PFMS implementation by States/UTs under NRLM Category States/UTs States implementing PFMS at all levels (9) Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Chhattisgarh, J & K, Madhya Pradesh, Meghalaya, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand States/UTs implementing PFMS at State level (13 States and 2 UTs) Haryana, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Manipur, Sikkim, Tripura, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Bihar, Nagaland, Punjab, Daman& Diu and Dadar & Nagar Haveli States/UT yet to implement PFMS at any level (4 States and 2 Uts) Goa, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Puducherry, A&N Island and Lakshadweep Technical issue with State Treasury holding up implementation of PFMS (1) Mizoram States using their own eFMS (3) Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Jharkhand Back