AgRP-ATF4 KO mice have decreased food intake and enhanced energy expenditure. AgRP-ATF4 KO mice have decreased food intake and enhanced energy expenditure. Daily food intake and feeding efficiency (A), 24-h oxygen consumption normalized by lean mass (B) or analyzed by ANCOVA (C), RER (VCO2/VO2) (D), locomotor activity (E), and rectal temperature (F). Gene expression (G) and Western blot and densitometric quantification (H) of UCP1 in BAT. I: H-E staining of representative BAT sections (scale bars, 250 µm). J: Serum NE levels. All studies were conducted in 10- to 12-week-old male control or AgRP-ATF4 KO mice maintained on a normal chow diet. The data are expressed as the mean ± SEM (n = 4–6/group) and analyzed by two-tailed Student t test in all panels except for C, or ANCOVA in C. *P < 0.05. Jiali Deng et al. Diabetes 2017;66:640-650 ©2017 by American Diabetes Association