41st Gas-Lift Workshop Houston, Texas, USA June 3 - 7, 2019 Gas Lift, Gas-Lift, Gaslift, for Unconventionals Breakout Session- Highlights 2019 Gas-Lift Workshop June 3 - 7, 2019
Good Mix of Suppliers and Operators 3 main areas of operation: Permian Eagleford Canadian Foothills Service providers: Software Equipment suppliers / GL design-install-trouble shooting, Consultants 2019 Gas-Lift Workshop June 3 - 7, 2019
The Reservoir What works for one Unconventional play does not necessarily work for others! An agreed lack of understanding of the Unconventional reservoirs Operators have to guess at first- learn and tweak ALS designs as we move forward. How lack of true data impacts equipment designs Does it make sense to design for one ALS system to last the life of the well? 2019 Gas-Lift Workshop June 3 - 7, 2019
Capex & Infrastructure High back pressure is an issues-how to solve it As much as 600 psi of back pressure Need for larger flow lines Compression Centralized vs site Availability- Vendors are at capacity Desire to measure SG of gas after leaves compressor Lack of flow measurement Should we design for larger available compression Cost and issues associated with this approach Present and Future application 2019 Gas-Lift Workshop June 3 - 7, 2019
Gas Lift Equipment Gas lift equipment- pros/cons & learnings 1” or 1.5” GLVs SPM or C-mandrels Better understanding of GLV performance especially the bellows. Life Cycle testing Manufacturing process of bellows Is Multipoint bad? Reverse flow check- Is multiple checks in-line a good idea What purpose does the check do for the operator RCFA-are we conducting RCFA and are we applying our learnings Have we sacrificed quality for commoditization 2019 Gas-Lift Workshop June 3 - 7, 2019
Gas lift design Data, Data and more Data Traditional gas lift approach Annular gas lift Do we run Packers or not Yes- Allows for more control of gas lift system Shut in & Kick off is easier No- Can lift deeper More equipment down hole more to go wrong 2019 Gas-Lift Workshop June 3 - 7, 2019
Staff Do we tell management what they want to hear and does this approach impact our gas lift systems Training Management Field Staff Office staff Do we do our own designs or allow service provider to do the design Key to success -Effective communication between operator and service provider 2019 Gas-Lift Workshop June 3 - 7, 2019
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