Professional Services Group Reform Programme GOVERNANCE We have changed the governance arrangements around PSG to support and enable a more agile and responsive approach to operational issues: The termly Administrative and Professional Services Group (APSG) has been replaced with a Professional Services Steering Committee (PSSC) that will meet twice yearly PSSC will provide oversight of, and assurance on, the delivery of Professional Services strategic priorities (aligned to University strategy and the UEB work plan). PSSC reports to the University Executive Board (UEB) and the Financial Planning Sub-Committee (FPSC). Professional Services Group (PSG) is an operational forum for active monitoring of the delivery of professional services priorities and for more agile consideration of thematic issues, risks, and opportunities across the professional services. It will meet monthly, the membership being the lead Directors for Professional Services, plus further attendees as the agenda requires. GRID meetings are the Registrar’s regular meetings with her senior teams to ensure delivery. Strategic priorities across the PSG Strategic plans sign off and review Growth, efficiencies and value for money Deep dive reviews Cross-cutting themes, problem solving and new opportunities In-year financial monitoring and resource allocations Horizon scanning/scenario planning Benchmarking In year monitoring of strategic business plans, within Group/department Continuous improvement In year identification of risks and opportunities PS Steering Committee PS Group Although the University strategy extends to 2030, in a world of such rapid change combined with uncertainty, we have set ourselves a 3 year timeframe to bring about change and progress in key areas., GRID