Awe What is awe? Why do we experience awe. What is the impact of experiencing awe?
When have you heard this term? What does it mean? Key term: Awe
Awesome Things Watch the following and respond to them in your workbook Awesome Northern Lights Awesome Kangaroo Embryo Awesome puffer fish Kangaroo embryo Puffer Fish Human pregnancy Awesome pregnancy
Awesome Acacia Trees The African Acacia has developed an incredible early warning ‘alarm system’ to warn other trees when browsers such as the antelope are in the area. Wouter Van Hoven (a zoologist from the Pretoria University) has found that when the leaves of Acacias are nibbled, they produce high doses of tannin in their foliage, which may be lethal to browsers. The trees also release a chemical warning system to warn nearby trees of approaching danger by releasing ethylene that can travel as far as 50 yards! All it takes is five to ten minutes for the neighbouring trees to step up their leaf tannin production to repel lurking browsers.
Awesome Autumn
Awesome Coral Reef
Why do we experience awe? Are humans are the only creatures on earth to experience some sense of awe and wonder? If so, why? Why would God give man a sense of awe and wonder about the world he lives in?
Task Read the Article in your booklets: Using three different colour pens highlight information on Why we feel Awe? What is the impact of Awe? How to have awesome experiences?
Feedback Awe Why? Impact? How?
Awe - Plenary 5 Minutes Write about a time when you have felt awe in your life. Try to describe it as best you can. For example – When I climbed the Inca Trail in Peru. I hiked for 3 days and experienced every weather condition imaginable. It was hard. On the last day I got up at 3am and hiked in the dark until I came to the end of the trail, just in time for sunrise over Maccu Piccu, an Incan ruin. The sun caressed the mountains with a gentle, golden touch as an aura of splendour began to fill the valley. It made me feel small and every aspect of my ego diminished, I stood, amazed by what I was witnessing.
Reflection ‘diversity of beauty in sky and earth and sea…the dark shades of woods, the colour and fragrance of flowers; the countless different species of living creatures of all shapes and sizes…the mighty spectacle of the sea itself, putting on its changing colours like different garments, now green, with all the many varied shades, now purple, now blue.’ Augustine, The City of God