Elder High Priestess Tehilah Firewind Astrology 101 Lecture 8 – Electional, Medical, and divinatory astrology Elder High Priestess Tehilah Firewind
Electional Astrology The selection of dates and times for important life events based on astrological forecasting Create an inceptional figure or chart which matches the desired state of the sky at the event time Then use astronomical tool and progress through the months, watching the slower planets first Finally increment by day and watch the slower planets Waxing vs. waning moon magic is electional!! Examples include: weddings, business openings, lawsuit filings, construction projects, initiations, etc
Horary Astrology A.k.a. interrogatory or divinatory astrology Asking questions about the future, with answers coming from the moment the question is asked The moment is the precise time at which the querent can no longer stand it, and must know the answer If querent and astrologer are separated by distance, can use astrologer’s, querent’s, or calculated location Star chart is prepared for the moment Considerations are made if the chart is readable Querent is 1st house; Question follows house rules
Medical Astrology Two types: Predicting health issues based on natal chart Sign position of the Sun indicates nature of life long afflictions, and possibly even the cause of death Sickness may also present through 6th house Signs and planets associate with body parts Interrogations – horary astrology for medical moments The moment of a heart attack, to see if recovery will occur The time of checking the hospital The time the diagnosis is given
Syllabus Progress: The Zodiac Planets Houses Aspects Reading and interpreting natal charts Using electional astrology and divination Medical astrology
Homework From The Astrology Book by James R Lewis Age of Aquarius, page 10-11 Ages of Man, page 11 Agricultural Astrology, page 11-13 Astromancy, page 73 Electional Astrology, page 216-218 Esoteric Astrology, page 225-226 Horary Astrology, page 323-332 Horoscope, page 333 Magic and Astrology, page 421-422 Medical Astrology, page 434-439 Meteorological Astrology, page 453 Numerology and Astrology, page 499-500 Palmistry and Astrology, page 511-512 Prognostication, page 544 Therapeutic Astrology, page 658-661